One proof of new research on Obesity in the United States about the scientists. Fact wedding can become the cause of someone experiencing excess weight loss (Obesity).
Based on the results of a research team of researchers from the University of North Carolina, married couples or who already live together, two times greater risk than they experience Obesity is still single and living alone.
Risk is also increased in the pair who have lived together in time.
According to Penny Gordon-Larsen, a researcher, not only to give marriage a positive impact on health such as the reduction in smoking and that the decreasing death rate. But marriage can also give negative effects such as increased numbers Obesity.
"We also see an increase in excess body weight in the pair that has the same age and at risk of Obesity," he said as quoted from the BBC.
Obesity also causes no longer based on the factors of age, but because of changing attitudes and habits someone. Generally, couples who have lived together, whether married or not, tend to do activities together that can make their excess body weight.
More often consumed as snack, cook together, eat more often and rarely outside berolah sport and prefers watching television than when they were both still living alone.
Research also found that couples who live together with more than two years, especially the couple who have been married showed patterns Obesity and physical behavior the same in each pair is examined.
The research team hopes that the results of this, each pair will be more alert to what will happen when they get married.
At least with this phenomenon they will remind each other and so does not influence either the overweight or Obesity. (Source:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wow, Married Causes Obesity
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sports For pear shape body type
Has tried to aerobic routine, weight never wane. Sports what exactly?
I (28) has the form of the body feel less proportional. Body weight 61 kg, and 155 cm high. I can not wear trousers or skirt size M (too small), but my shirt or blouse size M.
During the year, I have been trying to reduce the aerobic and ngemil, but there are no changes. Until finally lazy exercise. What advice the doctor?
From the above data, it can be, you have the body type gyneoid, ie there are piles of fat in the thigh (femoral) and buttocks (gluteus), which form the body such as the pear fruit. Type of obesity is more profitable than the type android (cumulation of fat in the abdomen, shape the body, such as apple fruit), which owned most men. The android type is one characterize someone who has a higher risk of heart disease and blood vessel.
However, it should, you should not dismiss sports activities. In addition to aerobic, you can also add your own exercises, such as with walking or jogging 30-45 minutes, three times a week. If you exercise less, then your body itself is bertipe pear fruit is more lax, so it looks bigger.
Do not forget to eat a good pattern. Change camilah with fruit. Before eating, it's good gulp a glass of water and white first. After that, then vegetables, followed by rice and lauknya. Select vegetables that contain lots of fiber, such as spinach, and kangkung.
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