Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rules on food hygiene and Tricks

-- Drink 1.5 litres of water per day: refer to the chapter "beverages, water".
-- To preserve vitamins and minerals, prefer cooking with steam rather than water.
-- You can use the list of equivalents and table calorie foods to vary your diet. In terms of vegetables, whether raw or cooked, their nutritional value remains the same.
-- Use spices, condiments and herbs to help you raise your preparations. You can use: lemon juice, soy sauce, salt, all spices (cumin, pepper, curry, paprika…), all the herbs (tarragon, chives, parsley…), onions, mustard, garlic, vinegar, gherkins, capers, tabasco and bouillon cube fat.
-- Do not skip meals: 3 made meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 1 snack in the afternoon.
-- Avoid snacking between meals.
-- Practice regular physical activity: it helps weight loss. Ex: walk, bike, run…

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