Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Never Scared Fat

To avoid obesity, most people do not mengonsumsi foods that contain fat. In fact, excessive antilemak attitude is not recommended. Because the fat still have a function for the body.

Teacher of Food Science and Nutrition Department of Nutrition and Community Family Resource Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB) Prof Dr Ali said Ms Khomsan, obesity is dipacu by some of those things because the genetic factors or mengonsumsi many foods that contain calories and fat. And, it must be a concern.

"Now people are afraid of fat because it is considered to be something that cause the disease. We can not be reduced to 0% fat. So that is good may reduce, but not to be taboo," a lecturer who issued a book titled Healthy That Easy in 2008 this .

Ali still proceed, fat is actually good for health for melarutkan vitamins A, D, E, and K. Any food that we certainly contain fat consumption. So we required a smart-smart in choosing food. For example, Ali said, in mengonsumsi beef (steak), select the type of beef steak tenderloin. For, very minimalist lemaknya womb.

"Material-food derived from animal usually contain lots of fat. You can not avoid, but choose the better," sarannya.

Nutrition consultant's Hospital Mother and Child in Ampera, Kemang, Putri Gita Menur SKM, said one of the functions of fat for a number of energy supply, while one gram of fat contains 9 calories, while 1 gram carbohydrate contains only 4 calories.

Daughter to continue, the good fat is required, even it is important for the structure and function of every cell in the human body. Fat is the "fuel" that gives you two times more energy than many other types of food. Fat is stored in the body, acting as energy storage bank.

Fat is the obstacle that protects you from the cold merusak.Lemak which also cover the body's nerve-nerve. A good type of fat that is called HDL cholesterol can help eliminate the damage and do not want it from the duct-vein.

Vitamin A, D, E, and K is the type of vitamins that dissolves in fat and stored in networks of fat. So a certain amount of body fat have any benefits. Fat-fat that is not desired materials and oily saturated in a lot of meat, processed animal and dairy, including eggs, cheese, milk, and lard.

Nuts and seeds also contain fat, but that's kind of good. Cholesterol is a type of fat that requires the setting of carefully in the body.

"Cholesterol is in animals, but not in vegetable fat. Most of the fat that you eat every day does not appear. Because it's mixed in gorengan and cuisine. Related between fat food and health is how much the actual amount of fat consumed," said daughter.

The ideal is to eat fat in accordance with the contents found in natural seed corn, vegetables, nuts, and grains (the last two with the limited amount).

"Remember, vegetable fat does not contain cholesterol, and does not contain the virus. However, people should not eat excessive amounts of oil from vegetables, nuts or seeds that have been processed," he said.


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