Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This is the Secret Diet Success!

Appear slim and beautiful, many women is the desire. Because, with a beautiful body and how sad, the confidence of women tends to increase. Usually, if the desire is so strong, the diet also be an alternative choice.

Not to step in selecting a diet program, it's good you recognize the type of diet. Do not select the original, because the consequences can be fatal.

Want to know what diet is becoming a trend and the risk, ulasannya following:

1. Raw Food Diet

Perpetrators of this type of diet believes that mengonsumsi food that is processed with the temperature above 46-47C akan enzyme-destroying enzyme that provides many benefits for health.

While most agree that the best diet is mengonsumsi fruits, vegetables, and grains that are processed at least, actually process the food through the process of the correct womb can increase gizinya, especially phytonutrient, and stop the activities of bacteria that are not healthful.

Raw food diet many foods that mengonsumsi based plants, including fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and bean sprouts, corn and bean.

Materials, food was very good and you can make different kinds of food from raw materials.

2. Low-calorie diet (hCG)

This is the amount of calories with the diet that is low (500,800 calories per day) plus injection with the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Diet any lower in calories to under 1000 calories is not safe, especially for beginners. And, you will lose weight even though many have been getting injections milk shake. Of course, the gold in the diet is the more quickly your body weight down, it will also semaking fast you get it back.

In addition, scientists do not know if it safe to hCG injected into the body when our bodies do not naturally memproduksinya.

3. Diet Supplements Drink Mix (Master Clean)

Southern California, are of this type of diet trends. "Here, actors try to do diet 'cleaning up' with the mixture of water perasan lemon, maple syrup, and spicy red chili (Cayenne pepper) several times a day for 10 days," said Karla Campbell, MS, RD, a dietitian at the Long Beach, California.

Then in the evening they drink herbal tea that also functions as a laxative, and a quarter cup of salt water in the morning. Both can be clean digestive system and your bowels.

No need to say that there is no research that indicates that the digestive system and organs we need help in collecting the waste and poisons in the body.

Only this type of diet contains 650-1300 calories and lack of many key nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron and zinc. But experts do not have a diet that is suggested to undergo this type of diet for more than 1-2 days.

Campbell also added a warning: people who undergo this type of diet will end with the loss of body fat mass. When is' clean 'and return to their previous eating patterns, they will be fat again. May become even more fat than the previous.

4. Sup diet cabbage (and other similar vegetables)

Compete with the rumor circulating, this type of diet is not recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA); Sacred Heart Hospital Memorial in Spokane, Washington; or by any health care organization. In fact, AHA and other organizations recommend a diet to control this trend.

Although there are several versions, all of the seven day cycle is based on all types of mengonsumsi cabbage soup 'fat burner' (a mixture of cabbage, carrots, celery, tomato, pepper, and onion). Because of many vegetables that contain fluid and nutrition, the type of diet is not a diet other.

5. Diet Akupuntur Ear (Ear Stapling)

This relatively new trend based on the theory that the experts Akupuntur an area of the ear can manage your appetite. Menindik procedures similar to the ear, but constant pressure on the 'belly' ear you will limit your appetite.

There is no research that states the relationship between ear stapling with a decrease in body weight. But there is much evidence that it can cause serious infection and changes shape.

If you need is to control your appetite, then you better try mengonsumsi something that can work better, such as mengonsumsi more fruits and vegetables than other food types. (Source: Inilah.com)

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