French Women Don't Get FatIt's no secret that France has created some of the world's most talented artists, but they apparently also know something the rest of us don't about enjoying food and staying fit without effort. The French Diet is not a fad diet like Atkins or The Zone, but rather a balanced lifestyle that has been developed and perfected by a nation of food lovers.
Mireille Guiliano's latest book "The French Women Don't Get Fat, The Secret Of Eating For pleasure" reveals the reasons why French woman can eat delicious foods, indulge in wine and still stay trim and beautiful.
Eating is one of life's greatest pleasures - creating a healthy relationship with food will do wonders for your senses and your waistline. The French Diet is very appealing as there are no restrictions on carbs or fat and no calorie counting, just good quality food eaten in moderation. The key here really is quality not quantity.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The French Diet
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Eat to Lose
The Prevention Reshape Your Body plan incorporates easy food strategies you can follow for life. "Women succeed at weight loss when they get a handle on their portions and eat in a balanced way," says nutritionist Lisa Young, PhD, RD, who dished out the dietary advice for our program. Her three key tips:
Eat early.
Have breakfast, even if it's simply oatmeal or a hard-boiled egg. It jump-starts your metabolism and prevents late-day bingeing. Studies have found that dieters are most successful when they start their day with a meal.
Get a "hand-le" on portions.
"Most of us eat too much—period. To lose weight, you have to eat proper portions," says Young. Use your hand to measure.
Food How to measure
Meat, fish, poultry 3 ounces = palm of hand
Mixed nuts 1/4 cup = 1 layer on palm
Cereal/popcorn 1 cup = 2 cupped hands
Cooked pasta 1/2 cup = 1 rounded handful
Cheese 1 ounce = 1 thumb
Butter/oil 1/2 teaspoon = 1 fingertip
By Selene Yeager, Prevention
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
5 Simple Changes for Succes
Nutritionist Susan Burke weighs in on five simple changes you can make. Doing these can lead to weight loss without really trying.
5. Jilt the juice: Although juice has more nutrition than soda, it's got the identical amount of calories per glass. Unless you're trying to gain weight, eat your fruit instead of drinking it. Eliminate one glass of juice per day and earn 150 calories.
4. Omit the oil: Although olive oil is a better choice than mayonnaise or creamy salad dressings, all are very similar in terms of calories. Instead of adding ¼ cup (4 tablespoons) of olive oil to your tossed salad, mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with ¼ cup of balsamic vinegar and whisk in fresh or dried herbs like rosemary, basil and thyme and a dash each of salt and pepper. Eliminate 2 tablespoons of added olive oil and earn 240 calories.
3. Minus the mayo: Log on to any of the major fast-food franchises that have interactive Web sites (Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, etc.) and see what happens when you add and subtract mayonnaise. For example, on BK's website, a grilled chicken sandwich automatically comes slathered with mayo. Just "click" to leave it off and presto, see the calories reduce. For every tablespoon of mayonnaise you eliminate on your sandwich, earn 110 calories.
2. Boost the fiber: Make an effort to eat raw, crunchy vegetables, for a smart and filling snack, and to increase your intake of vegetables. You really can't eat too much of the crunchy stuff! Crunchy veggies are so full of fiber and water that a full cup of green beans, for example, has less than 40 calories. Snack on raw carrots, celery, radishes, mushrooms, spinach and broccoli. If you like, lightly steam by cooking for a few minutes, covered, in the microwave and then sprinkle with just a bit of butter granules (zero calories) or serve with tomato salsa. Eat as much as you like of raw or slightly steamed crunchy veggies; you don't have to "earn" these with increased activity.
1. Forget "Fried": The difference between a fried chicken breast and a broiled one can trip you up if you're trying to lose weight. One "original" recipe KFC chicken breast has 370 calories. A Chick-fil-A chargrilled chicken sandwich has only 270 calories, and Boston Market does it right... their quarter-rotisserie chicken (no skin) has only 250 calories. Forget the fried chicken and earn 120 calories by opting for skinless breast.
Grand total earned with the top five changes: 620 calories You've created a deficit of 620 calories without deprivation or even any exertion!
Since theoretically it takes approximately an excess of 3,500 calories to gain a pound, you'd have to create a deficit of the same amount to lose a pound. Just make permanent these modifications and lose weight naturally.
By eDiets Staff
Sunday, March 16, 2008
lisas crazy diet
heavy sunday/cooking for my daughtera
i dread sunday dinners at my family's house. This week is lasanga. (yikes!) I do enjoy the company but wish they would at least offer some type of low fat dinner. Its not like i can take another portion either, if i do its like "why are you watching what you eat you are not fat!" (coming from a 135 5'8 sister so i am thinking yeah right!). They have to realise i am not blessed with the good genes that they have and can't eat what ever i want and still wear a size 4. I do believe that is why (besides the stress from ex boyfriends and husband) I have been struggling with my weight all these years. Another hurdle is cooking for my daughter. When i go what do you want to eat? She is like pizza! so i am stuck making a whole pizza(sure its frozen but still) and looking at that pizza while she eats 2 slices and leaves the rest. Sure i only had 1 slice but i am always tempted to eat it all! How can we control these urges(with wasting food or making the family mad)? suggestions?
Monday, March 3, 2008
Model Diet Tips and Advice
Model Diet Tips and Advice
Diet tips from real modelsEver wondered how Kate Moss, Gisele, Jennifer Aniston and other skinny celebs managed to get in such good shape?
In Model Diet Plan, our resident models give a full run-down on all the diet plans and tips you've seen, from the Green Tea Diet to Atkins. We also share the secrets and tips that have worked for us in our 'Real Model Tips' section.
Remember - Models are the one group of people who diet successfully. Its our job, our livelihood. So when you need advice, models are the people that you should naturally look to!
Paragraf awal posting anda
Diet Tips
In this website we take you through the diet plans that we've tried during our years modeling internationally. All the diet plans are laid out on the left-hand side of the page. Only you know what works for you, so try to look at them all - you never know what tips you might pick up. And I've included a section on exercise, because no diet is complete without a healthy exercise regime.
Most importantly though, remember to enjoy it! A good diet plan should give your spirit a lift and make you feel better, both physically and mentally.
Read More..
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Regimens: Diet Supplement Seen as Risky for Some Users
Probiotics, the potentially beneficial bacteria and yeasts available as diet supplements and in some foods, may not be as helpful as widely believed. A new study suggests that under certain circumstances, they can be deadly.
Researchers studied 296 patients at risk for severe pancreatitis, a potentially lethal inflammation of the pancreas. Each was randomly assigned to receive either a commercially available probiotic or an identical-looking placebo. All patients were otherwise given conventional treatment.
There was no significant difference between the two groups in severity of illness at the start of the trial. But while 31 percent of the probiotics group required intensive care, only 24 percent of the placebo group needed it. Eighteen percent of those who took probiotics, but only 10 percent of the others, required surgical intervention. In the probiotics group 24 people died, a death rate more than twice that of those given the placebo.
Several smaller studies have associated probiotics with a reduction of infections. But this study, published online Thursday in The Lancet, was the largest randomized, double-blinded trial of its kind, and the authors found no other reason for the harmful effects.(Source: By NICHOLAS BAKALAR/the new york times)