Sweet food is at once the enemy of women. At a certain time, for example, when the mood is not good because of the influence of hormone, women tend to tuck ngemil. Especially chocolate and cake.
But the food is certainly disrupt your diet. To overcome this, you can change the snack with dried fruit.
Fruit that is dried to become a recommended snack when you want a sweet-sweet. For example APRICOT dry, dates, raisins, dried mango, and so forth.
Why is dried fruit snack good for? Of course because the material in the form of fruit. Basically, the fruit dried fruit is taken water. But all the nutrients such as vitamins and fruit still have minerals in it.
What are the benefits of dry fruit?
• Gynecology sugar
Gynecology sugar in dried fruit is a lot more fruit sugar (fruktosa), which is safer for health. Dried fruit is also high carbohydrate so the body becomes a source of energy.
• Rich nutrition
Dried fruit is a source of a variety of healthy nutrition. For example, calcium is bone, teeth, hair and nails, magnesium is useful to stabilize blood pressure, potassium, which keeps the system kardiovaskular and antibengkak, natriun and iron, which is useful for blood, and fiber needed by the digestive system.
Symmetric APRICOT raisins or dried potassium body needs sufficient in a day. Meanwhile, 50 grams of dried cherries contain vitamin B and magnesium.
• Free food coloring
Colorful fruit tantalize the taste is very dry. The apricot colored bright yellow, blueberry or dates that old purple, red, and the fresh cherries.
But dried fruit, fruit that can be free of harmful food coloring. All bright colors that tempt the coloring material is a natural healthful.
So, simpah dried fruit in the freezer if you occasionally need a healthy snack. But you still have to mengonsumsinya with the recommended limits.
Store dried fruit in a toples hermetic and place it in the locker room with the temperature. Do not store dried fruit too long not to expire and lose nutrisinya.
• VIVAnews
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dried fruit, sweet snack is Healthy
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Healthy in Natural Way
Health is the most important possession we have to keep. Unfortunately, the medication given when we are sick is chemical medication that will give us bad side effect in the end. The chemical medication able to cure the sickness, but if someone has long term sickness and have to consume the medication for a long tine, the medication will poisoning the body and make it sicker.
If in the past we think that chemical medication is the best medication, now day people are aware about the dangerous of the chemical medication and turn to the natural one. Using the natural medication, does not mean that we have to process the herb, but there are some products that are natural based, but packed in modern way. We can get the natural medication at Oasisadvancedwellness.com. They commit themselves to provide the finest and natural products for our health.
We can get a multivitamin like Intramax to keep our vitality. Other popular product is Poly MVA to give an antioxidant for the body and as effective supplement for the vitality. If we need medication for depression and one that effective to control the mood, we can also get the Lithium Orotate trough the website. There are so many natural medication offered on the page, before we buy it, we better to have a consultation with the doctor that is ready to serve us on the page
Get dent body ala Eva Mendes
Do not just be jealous. Tiru pattern diet and hard work of Eva. Want to know how?
Dent body of Eva Mendez to make many women envious. But, thanks to the hard work of Eva's sole discretion. Eva follow a diet pattern and exercise routines that hard. See how the hard work of shaping the body of Eva langsingnya.
1. Rent a coach
Acrobatics trainers will guide you to know the correct movement. A friend suggested renting Eva renowned trainer, Harley Pasternak. But, if your bag is not enough time to rent a coach, try another alternative. Join the fitness center. There are physical trainers who will guide you. Like, what the movement as a safe and effective for you, and how often you have to do so.
2. Know your body
Tonjolkan the body that you most banggakan. Many of the posterior Eva Mendez is the biggest asset is latin artists. Eva was conscious. He also practice hard bokongnya the more compact form. Nyamanlah feel with your body type! You only need to work hard to refine.
3. Make routines
Make your exercise as a form of routines. If it is implemented on a regular basis, slowly you can feel the change. The body with strong patterns and exercise routines. Eva trainers start training with the light, and the weight gradually. Each week personal trainer Eva increase the number repetition exercises. You will not be bored with the way like that. The body is strong.
4. Combine exercise
Do a combination of exercise and strength kardio. Eva Mendes to do with the heating practice Treadmill and elliptical machine for five minutes. Next, combine exercise with the load, diselingi exercise kardio, such as jump ropes for each set. After that, you rebahkan back in balance with the ball on the heel.
5. Consumption of healthy food
Consumption of healthy menus, as listed in the book 5-Factor Diet is applied Eva. Egg white, fat-free cheese, salmon, and red rice. Adjust the Feed feed your body with calories. So, you can still enjoy the food while the body shape.
6. Healthy snacks
Choose healthy snacks, so that you are satisfied throughout the day. Eva including women who partake cemilan hooked. But, he carefully selecting healthy snacks, such as cereals.
• VIVAnews
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Lose Weight Quickly
Do you want to look good in any clothes you wear? Well, if you want to do that, you certainly need to keep the shape of your body. You must not be over weight as you will find difficulties to find the right clothes for you. However, if you are already over weight, you will need to lose your weight. There are many ways you can do to help you losing weight but not all of those ways are safe. It is very important for you to choose the safest way so that you can lose your weight and keep healthy.
As you can see at goo4swap.com, there is a way for you who want to lose weight quickly. At this website, you will find a product that can help you to shape your body. There are four products offered at this website and all of those products contain only natural ingredients which are safe for your body. The products are able to help you losing your belly fat so that you will look great. If you are running your spa industry, these products will become an important asset for your business. Your customers will surely like every inch weight loss they experience after they are treated using these products.
Further, you will also find complete explanation about the usages of these products. Simply read detail information provided at this website including the testimonials of real users to get clearer explanations about the benefits of these products. So, if you want to lose your weight quickly, you can consider this website as your primary resource.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Let Sexy, Gwen Stefani diligent Diet
To keep her body always looks honorable gent, Gwen Stefani diet program that runs every day. He operates a South Beach Diet program.
South Beach Diet is a diet that consists of three stages. All encourage the consumption of fat is good and avoid evil in the fat body.
South Beach Diet begins habit of consuming healthy food and a healthy lifestyle as well.
Gwen tries to keep distance with the foods that contain fat. However he occasionally consume himself menghalalkan zwieback or pizza.
So what Gwen consumed daily? Gwen always provide at least two boxes susu vanilla. Do not forget a set of tools to make hot tea, teapot, among others, to make tea, natural honey, fresh lemon, a natural mint the box, and the chamomile.
When out of town, do not forget Gwen provides organic vegetables. Penyanyi blond always bring three cucumber, a bunch of fresh carrots, a pack of sugar beet, a bunch of fresh spinach, and one bunch celery leaves.
Not only that, this beautiful seleb also do not forget to provide a bowlful almond and cashew nuts and fresh fruits such as melon or berry
Gwen blood money for this kind have become rutinitasnya daily. Gwen does not feel tortured with a diet that is done.
One thing that most are kept by Gwen avoid fatty foods and processed foods. Gwen complement it with acrobatics and yoga regularly. Are you interested? Please try.
• VIVAnews
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Medical Alarm for Seniors
The need to protect someone we love is something that cannot e compromised anymore. This also works when you have grandparents or parents who need full time supervision because of their physical limitations. We don’t want them to be in danger because of their inability to protect themselves don’t we? So what if we can’t protect them all the time because of our other duties like working or studying?
Here is a website which understands fully our needs of providing full protections for our loved ones. Brickhousealert.com offers you Medical Alarm systems which not only worlds effectively to protect your seniors, but also to remind them when it’s time to get the medication. There are a lot of problems which occurs along with the aging process and the degradation in the memory capacity is one of the most common aging symptoms which often occur to seniors.
Medical Alarm will be able to show us where they go is we lost them somehow. Medical Alarm will also be a good protection when there if something bad happen because it will send alerts to medical professionals and closes people so the wearer will be able to get help as soon as possible. Provide your loved ones full protection and rest assured for their safety with BrickHouseAlert’s help.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Muffled desire Ngemil
Often can not control the desire ngemil? Be careful, the weight of your body can rebound. In addition to regular sports, Feed control also need to eat so that the form of the body diidam-idamkan reached.
The problem is, you ngemil hobby sport that often lead to Get You also do not produce results. So that, so that sports and diet can be in line with the balance. You can siasati habits ngemil with:
- Many food filamentous
Hunger is usually accompanied by the desire to continue to chew. This can be selected with diakali fibrous food, such as fruit (apples, papaya, cashew, citrus, and the like), vegetables (mentimun, vegetable salad, and the like), or food rich in fiber and not processed using the oil (boiled corn, boiled potatoes , and the like). Fiber provides a feeling satisfied longer. Thus, the possibility of fraudulent mengemil be arrested again.
- Reduce processed food
Snack food that has been experiencing a process of processing, such as potato chips, cassava chips, and the like is not forceful remove hunger. Although menyantapnya in large numbers, just keep your appetite has not also take pride.
Better puaskan hunger with food in the form of utuhnya. For example, a piece of corn, cassava, cassava, potato or boiled the whole far better than olahannya in the form of chips. Kalorinya limited (due to be processed with no oil), lots of fiber, and more rapid filling and taste kenyangnya survive much longer.
- Stay consume carbohydrate
Perhaps, that remain slim, we need to reduce the carbohydrate. This is not true. To achieve weight balance, the need to reduced or even avoided Feed is fat. While the carbohydrate remain in the body's existence is necessary. Compared to fat, carbohydrate source of energy that is more easily parsed by the body.
- Eat in small portions
Usahakanlah to not create an empty stomach. This condition makes you a great hunger and want to encourage you to eat more. No problem actually, if you can share your portion of food into smaller portions. This means you can eat several times a day as long as in small portions. Should fill the belly of every three hours, with a little portion.
- Perbanyak drinking water white
For those who want to berdiet, white water is very helpful in the metabolism of food. Water white liquid chemicals help make the body used in the metabolism of food entry. With the 2 glasses of white water before meals, will decrease the appetite is high, so it can help in controlling the food, especially ngemil.
* Ngemil = eat continuously without rules. Something like eating snack
• VIVAnews
Monday, April 13, 2009
Top Diet, Is Most Effective?
Before choosing the right diet, you should consult with your doctor and your nutrition experts.
Many diet method that offers a variety of dreams for a slim body. But if the diet is healthy and appropriate conditions for your body?
So that you do not choose the wrong diet, see some of the following popular diet. Know the advantages and kekurangannya so you do not step wrong.
Atkins Diet
This diet was introduced by Dr. Robert C. Atkins, Director of the Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine, New York, United States. Diet is often called carbohydrate diet because the main key is to limit carbohydrate Feed. Since first appearing until now, this diet became very popular among celebrities including Hollywood.
Feed carbohydrate is the recommended maximum of 20 grams a day. Atkins Diet also limits Feed berkarbohidrat food processing, such as bread, pasta, cereals, and so forth. Feed protein increased while the red-meat eating.
Atkins diet is not appropriate for those who do aerobic sports, and many do not have excessive body weight. Many also criticism of the diet is regarded as less good for health. For people so too Feed restrict carbohydrates so less balanced nutrition.
If done in the long term, this diet is less good for health. Too much protein can cause kidney disfunction and heart. Other side effects are mouth odor, dizziness, nausea, and constipation.
Ornish Diet
Diet is introduced by Dr. Dean Ornish stressed consumption of vegetables, fibrous foods, and limit the fat. The main objective in this is to heart health.
During the diet program, you are advised mengonsumsi filamentous whole grain foods, vegetables, vegetables nuts and salad. The key, you eat raw materials in accordance with the amount the body needs so quickly was not easy but feel hungry.
This diet is limiting Feed of food is very important that the body needed. For example, seafood, nuts, milk, without fat, and oil. Too many carbohydrates will increase blood sugar and decrease good cholesterol (HDL). Moreover, if the diet does not compensate dietnya with sport.
Zone Diet
This diet was created by Dr. Barry Sears. Diet is a combination Feed high protein and low carbohydrate with a focus on the right mix of food.
Limiting carbohydrate Atkins diet is not seekstrim. Comparison of Feed carbohydrate, fat, and protein is 4:3:3. You also suggested mengonsumsi seafood, vegetables and fruit.
The perpetrators of this diet find it difficult to guide the combination of food and the right balance. Necessary calculations nutrition guide that is easy to apply.
• VIVAnews
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Stress because of pot
Diet and sporting what should I Get that slim waist?
I (23) feel my body obesity (weight 60 kg and height 155 cm). The most is the pile of fat in the stomach so that stomach looks bloated. Diet and sporting what should I Get that slim waist? Can herbal medicine help with the slim?
I never berdiet, but can not survive because of ulcer disease. What kind of diet does not cause interference on the ulcer? Please help, I have stressed this problem.
Your body fat is classified. However, you do not need to feel stress and lower self. That needs to be done is to increase efforts to run a weight reduction program.
If your weight is on the ideal body weight (about 50 kg), surely you do not distended stomach again. When body weight decreased by only 5 kg, then your stomach is by itself will wane. There is no need to use the medicine or tonic PELANGSING stomach. Decrease in body weight is the best diet and combining with the sport.
Do aerobic sports in the morning around 30-45 minutes, then continue with the floor exercises selama15 minutes. Do movements such as sit-ups, foot wave, nothing interesting, cyclists, and others.
In principle, if you really run a main rule, the low-calorie diet and you do not stress, the ulcer disease will not relapse. Because, well balanced diet or low calorie diet for ulcer disease is to reduce fat, prosi with small but frequent meals. The distance between the set hours to eat 2 or 3 hours.
Here is an example low-calorie diet 1500 calorie balance.
Calories: 1500 kkal
Protein: 70 grams
Fat: 50 grams
Carbohydrates: 192 grams
Breakfast (pk.7.00)
- 2 pieces of white bread, 1 tsp (2.5 g) fruit jelly
- 2 tbsp (10 g) nonfat milk + 1 tsp (5 g) sugar
Distraction (pk.10.00)
- 1 boiled egg (50 g)
- Tea without sugar or white water
Lunch (pk.13.00)
- 6 tbsp (150 g) rice
- 1 medium piece (50 g) of meat or fish or chicken
- 1 piece (50 g) know or tempe
- 1 cup (100 g) vegetables
Distraction (pk.17.00)
- 1 cup nonfat milk
- 3 pieces of white bread
- 100 g of meat or fish or chicken
- 1 medium piece (200 g) fruit
• VIVAnews