Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Muffled desire Ngemil

Often can not control the desire ngemil? Be careful, the weight of your body can rebound. In addition to regular sports, Feed control also need to eat so that the form of the body diidam-idamkan reached.

The problem is, you ngemil hobby sport that often lead to Get You also do not produce results. So that, so that sports and diet can be in line with the balance. You can siasati habits ngemil with:

- Many food filamentous
Hunger is usually accompanied by the desire to continue to chew. This can be selected with diakali fibrous food, such as fruit (apples, papaya, cashew, citrus, and the like), vegetables (mentimun, vegetable salad, and the like), or food rich in fiber and not processed using the oil (boiled corn, boiled potatoes , and the like). Fiber provides a feeling satisfied longer. Thus, the possibility of fraudulent mengemil be arrested again.

- Reduce processed food
Snack food that has been experiencing a process of processing, such as potato chips, cassava chips, and the like is not forceful remove hunger. Although menyantapnya in large numbers, just keep your appetite has not also take pride.

Better puaskan hunger with food in the form of utuhnya. For example, a piece of corn, cassava, cassava, potato or boiled the whole far better than olahannya in the form of chips. Kalorinya limited (due to be processed with no oil), lots of fiber, and more rapid filling and taste kenyangnya survive much longer.

- Stay consume carbohydrate
Perhaps, that remain slim, we need to reduce the carbohydrate. This is not true. To achieve weight balance, the need to reduced or even avoided Feed is fat. While the carbohydrate remain in the body's existence is necessary. Compared to fat, carbohydrate source of energy that is more easily parsed by the body.

- Eat in small portions
Usahakanlah to not create an empty stomach. This condition makes you a great hunger and want to encourage you to eat more. No problem actually, if you can share your portion of food into smaller portions. This means you can eat several times a day as long as in small portions. Should fill the belly of every three hours, with a little portion.

- Perbanyak drinking water white
For those who want to berdiet, white water is very helpful in the metabolism of food. Water white liquid chemicals help make the body used in the metabolism of food entry. With the 2 glasses of white water before meals, will decrease the appetite is high, so it can help in controlling the food, especially ngemil.

* Ngemil = eat continuously without rules. Something like eating snack

• VIVAnews

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