Sunday, May 31, 2009

The fat is not so that After giving birth

Most women can indeed grow fat after the birth. Pregnancy is one of the high risk of a woman fat permanently. However, do not worry about weight because the body can return to the original position.

In the Asian women, increased body weight on average is between 9-12 kg during the pregnancy progress. Meanwhile, after giving birth weight usually increases 3-6 kg. Diet during pregnancy is not recommended (a balanced diet and light exercises recommended). Here are some factors that can make fat have after giving birth:

1. Direct your body weight increase in the first semester tri pregnancy.
Excess body weight can terakumulasi during the first three months of pregnancy, which can also cause your baby's fat candidates. You can only hope kenaikannya around 1-2kg in trisemester I, and body weight will increase only 1-2 kg per month.

Expert advice: Forget about the term "eating for two." Three regular meals a day, plus 1-2 in the glass of milk every day plus fruits enough. Avoid unhealthy snack such as chips, gorengan, and others.

2. Increased body weight exceeds the recommended doctor
The increased body weight during pregnancy, the more you minimize it difficult later on.

Expert advice: the recommended body weight during pregnancy depending on the actual body weight (before pregnancy). If the lack of weight, must be improved. Meanwhile, if enough fat, increase body weight are not recommended.

3. After giving birth, you can not change the eating habits during pregnancy.
It's likely the new mother has difficulty to return to the pattern of eating before pregnancy. Hormone changes that occur in the body can even make food Feed you are not controlled.
Expert advice: Try kendalikan Feed by reducing the share of food.

Reduce The Risk Weight Loss
There are two things that can be done to reduce the growing risk of excess body weight during the pregnancy:

- Beraktivitas outside the home after giving birth a few months. Because, outside the home can be easier to change your eating habits when you can.

- During the exercise. If you do light exercises regularly during pregnancy, increase in body weight you are not too many. Moreover, if this practice was continued after birth, your body will be guaranteed to return to original shape.
• VIVAnews

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