Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lower Weight Loss, Without hunger

DO NOT proud of the body fat. Previously many people say that means the fat is very prosperous. In fact, Obesity or overweight can cause many different diseases.

Research reported that a meeting of experts on the alimentary tract in the United States showed that women who are fat have affected the risk of colon cancer 4 times larger than a normal woman. A new research conducted in Australia by taking the sample weight over 109 women and 33 women who have normal body weight for at-test heart function and structure produce; weight increasing the heart muscle will be thick. That means weight loss can cause the heart can not berkontraksi and berelaksasi to normal. In addition, many diseases that arise due to joint problems such as Obesity, a problem with heart health, hypertension, diabetes meditus, hormonal disturbances and many other.

Diet? But the next question if you are prepared in ways that are usually such as diet. Too much food should be avoided and added to the portion of the mnyusut make the diet often does not feel the benefit but only a positive feeling hungry. Consequently, people often do not give up a diet program because it is very harrowing. So, how? Here are some tips that you can try to make a diet program without the need to feel hunger:

Forget calorie

Remember that the calories burned will vary in different also in our bodies. Often the only fat in the diet to be low calorie. Some evidence shows that when calories are eaten together, the individual mengonsumsi most fat actually lose more weight. Moreover, the effect on the taste of food will determine body weight and the ability to eat. The key to be able to lose weight in the long term is not to concentrate on the amount you eat, but the quality of food.

Perbanyak protein-rich food

Protein could satisfy appetite more than carbohydrate or fat. Thus, many foods that contain protein and satisfying taste of food. Therefore, the consumption of food rich in protein should be reduced. Berprotein high food such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and grains.

Utamakan food with Glisemik Index (GI) rendak

Glisemik Index or GI is a measure of how quickly foods release sugar into the blood channel. The higher the amount of food in the GI, the lower the satisfaction of the can. From 20 studies that have been published between 1997 to 1999, 16 research indicates that foods with low GI can give you the satisfaction obtained from food and reducing hunger after. In addition to potato protein-rich food that also has a number of very low GI is beans, lentil, and most fruits and vegetables.

Do not forget breakfast

Besides as a source of energy in the morning, breakfast for most people serve as deterrent to eat too much during the day. This phenomenon is learned in the research published in the Journal of Nutrision. Studies show if we eat more at night, on average eat more calories than we eat the portion of the same morning for breakfast. So, make sure you have breakfast in the morning in order to have a natural appetite.

Do not eat too excessive

Segampang not be that, to control how much food they have to go in our stomach when hungry. Although still feel hungry, you can eat with mensiasati between mealtimes. Mengonsumsi a little nuts or fruit in the afternoon or evening can be trusted to make us eat more healthy in the hours to eat. You need to know to eat regularly have contact with the low level of insulin (hormone that can stimulate the production of fat in the body).

You have to chew

Sounds trivial. But we realize it or not, chewing often be overlooked, especially by men when they eat. With a variety of reasons they leave the food that is still rough entry into the alimentary tract. In addition to ease of food processed in the alimentary tract, in the diet program, chew and eat more slowly you can not make food mengonsumsi excessive. Ideally, food should be chewed before swallowed evenly. With this you will not be in a hurry can even make you do not touch the rest of the food really chewed and swallowed.

Make sure your diet is ideal

Based on the results of psychological research, each person has a high metabolic dexterity different. For example, some memiilki the metabolism of fat is very good, while the other has the metabolism of the prime karbihidrat. With this, hopefully can find the most ideal diet for yourself.
(Source: Okezone)

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