Options are very diverse diet. You can only do low-fat diet, low carbohydrate or high protein. But it is important that all of the calorie diet is appropriate.
According to the latest study, all types of diet can produce the ideal body weight to limit the number of calories origin that enter the body.
Previous often we hear, the key to lose weight is a low-carbohydrate diet. Even more say diet is effective compared with low-fat diet.
But a research conducted in the United States for two years found that the most important is how much calories that enter and exit.
"The secret is not diet low in fat or carbohydrate," says Dr. Elizabeth Nabel, head researcher of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. "But, by limiting the consumption of calories membakarnya with berolahrga ago."
Results were published Thursday, 26 February 2009, the New England Journal of Medicine, by Harvard School of Public Health and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, USA.
Research conducted on 811 adults who have excess body weight. Each respondent has a womb of fat, protein and carbohydrate are different. The respondents are required to reduce 750 calories per day and exercise for 90 minutes each week.
During doing the program, the respondents remain mengonsumsi meat and dairy products. They also must always be met with nutrition experts to monitor the development of the diet. Result, the average of the respondents succeeded in reducing the 6.5 kg in six months time. In two years time they can get the ideal body weight.
But not all the respondents who itu.Responden get results more often of nutrition experts to come to achieve a better result.
According to one researcher, Dr. Frank Sacks, a routine nutrition experts make their diet program is monitored on an ongoing basis and calorie contents in food are limited.
"They should be more focus on the actual calories consumed in food," said Sacks.
But some researchers doubt the other respondents can still maintain body weight if they have not watched it again in the nutrition expert.
"Although the respondents have a high motivation, when they separated from the nutrition experts will be difficult to maintain their body weight," says Martijn Katan from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
• VIVAnews
Monday, March 30, 2009
Key Main Diet: Count calories!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hollywood Celebrity Diet Options
Method so that diet choice is always a Hollywood celebrity trends. What type of diet?
Not all Hollywood stars always appear with the perfect body. It's time they also have problems with weight like most other women.
But the role demands and must make them appear perfect must strive harder to maintain body still slim. For that, the various ways traveled. Start hard sport, operating sedot fat, diet to superketat.
Method diet are so many options Hollywood celebrities?
Low-carbohydrate diet
Feed cut carbohydrate diet trend is still a Hollywood celebrity. Stars film Marley and Me, Jennifer Aniston successfully reduce body weight to 15 kilograms with the carbohydrate and protein enhance Feed.
Feed low carbohydrate diet includes 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat is not saturated. The result, a few celebrities such as Renée Zellweger can decrease the weight of 10 kilograms. Binta other diet that has been proven this is Madonna, Cindy Crawford, Winona Ryder, Demi Moore, Kristin Davis and Kirstie Alley.
Mengonsumsi organic food was not only good for only kesehatanan factors. For some celebrities, organic food is a way to get the ideal body weight.
Gwyneth Paltrow strict choose organic food for the day-to-day, such as meat, milk, and eggs.
"I try to eat organic food. I do not want to eat anything that can be toxic in the body, "he said.
Julia Roberts and Christina Aguilera also choose organic poison free. Julia always keep in trailernya susu organic when it is busy syuting. Likewise Christina always save susu and organic cheese in the room instead.
Many celebrities choose a vegetarian lifestyle, such as Alicia Silverstone and stars Charlie's Angel, Drew Barrymore. They no longer mengonsumsi meat or various food products from animals such as eggs, milk, and cheese.
Feed vegetable protein taken from beans such as bean and pea and lentil as almond and hazelnut that they become healthy snack daily.
Charlie's Angel star other, Cameron Diaz, also a vegetarian. "I feel lucky with my body's metabolism is faster. I feel more healthy with a vegetarian, "he said.
• VIVAnews
Friday, March 27, 2009
Calories burnt in the Beach
Coastal environment is dynamic, there is water, sand, air, and sea waves, which can affect your mind calm. Coastal water that contains salt, and have a warm temperature, the body makes relaks useful. If your body or feet into the water for five minutes, you will feel more relaks. Berendam taste like salt water in the bathtub in the bathroom.
In addition, believe it or not, do the activities on the beach can also reduce body weight. Every minute you through the activities on the beach, the body is burning the calories.
Stroll through the beach sand
Walking on the sand beach barefoot, have been able to burn more calories, because the sand absorbs the vibration rather than running more asphalt. Therefore, walking on the sand, making musculature you work harder. Sand hill climb, to provide training on the larger posterior musculature.
Start with the way slowly in the short distance, for example, 1.5 - 3 km. This activity can burn 250 calories per hour. We recommend route home - away. For, to run only one direction at a sloping beach can cause tendinitis (tendon inflammation) on the ankle or injury. In addition, for the thigh strain, you can walk in water up to waist deep calf.
However, before you should be careful what area you want to skip is not full of dangerous waste, such as nails, porcelain and more. If the beach dirty, you should wear shoes when doing this activity.
- Swimming
Activity is very good for heart health and lungs. To maintain heart health and lungs, do the swim for 20 minutes continuously, without stopping. In addition, the swimming movement is also very good for muscle strength and burn calories. When you swim for 1 hour full, your body weight can be decreased. Because, swim with the body can burn 10 calories per minute.
- Found in the sun
During your on the beach, should not dissipate the sun exposure is good for skin and bone health. Sunlight contains beneficial vitamin D helps calcium absorption, which is useful for the formation of bone. If you sweat, this automatic activity can burn calories.
Therefore, when on holiday at the beach would that be if you take the time for sunbathing or just walking under the sun exposure. Sunlight is good for health is in the morning and afternoon (07.00-09.00 and 15.30-17.30). You should not forget to use sun screen to minimize the risk of skin cancer is exposed.
• VIVAnews
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Arm ideal Ala Jennifer Aniston
For Jennifer Aniston, had a lean body does not not mean that sport. Favorite physical exercise is yoga, and floor exercises.
Simple exercise routine that made former paramour John Mayer is, if done regularly and according to rules, will produce satisfactory results. The tool is also needed is very simple, just a chair, pillows, and a pair of dumbbell.
Biceps curl
Target: arm muscles on the front (biceps), shoulder muscles (deltoids)
- Stand with feet slightly opened, the position of the hands in front of the chest while holding the dumbbell.
- Lift both hands slowly slightly exceed the shoulder until you feel tekanannya Play-wrist until a hand leads to the front, lift the load exceeds the head. Position elbow still slightly ditekuk and both shoulder the burden of separate selebar
- Lower the load slowly, back to the start position and repeat.
Shoulder raise
Target: shoulder muscles
- Stand with legs open, knee slightly ditekuk. Hand straight ahead, holding the dumbbell up to shoulder
- Rentangkan hands to the side
- Back to the start position and repeat.
Rear raise
Target: - muscle on the back of the arm (triceps), shoulder muscle
- Stand with legs open selebar pinggul, genuflection few, rather dibusungkan chest. Both hands on the side of the body straight while holding the dumbbell. Hand holding the burden should be weak to feel pressure that occurred
- Pull the arm towards the back slowly as far as you can. Restore hands to position the start and repeat
Preacher curl
Target: arm muscles on the front (biceps)
- Sit in a chair, feet flat touching the floor. Place the pillow in the lap rest to a right angle, so that you can perform the movement with the back upright position.
- With the elbow in the pillow position, pull both arms slowly to the shoulder
- Return to the front of the shoulders as the beginning position, then repeat.
Push up
Target: arm muscles on the back, shoulder muscles, chest muscles, back muscles
- Start with a push-up position. Leg was opened with a distance of ± 30 cm. Hands open selebar shoulder with the hands even touch the floor.
- Buckling elbow and slowly lowering the chest to the floor, but do not touch the floor pinggul
- Push up, and then to the start position and repeat
• VIVAnews
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Prevent Fat After Party
Fuel into the fat in the body when the party in the dining sesampainya at home!
If you are not planning to eat excessively and appeared to fail, do not quickly disappointed. Excess calories sepenting not how you react to it. When you respond to the excess food with the chagrin of the self, you may be pushed even more to eat later. When you are eating a lot of terlanjur, have 'penawar' it, such as:
- Drink 2 glasses of white water, sesampainya at home. Air melarutkan useful white fat, that fat does not accumulate too long in the body.
- Drinking a cup of tea without sugar. Tea ekskresi can throw urine and digestion. Caffeine and polifenol compound found in tea can accelerate the process of digestion, because it stimulates production of stomach fluids, which can be menetralisir fat in food.
- Eat an apple. One of the nutrient contents of apple fiber is beneficial, useful help lower blood cholesterol level. Of an apple, you already get 20% fiber body that is required. In addition to fiber, vitamin C in apples (about 8% abortion) function as antioxidants capable of preventing the oxidation of LDL (bad fat), so that the probability to stick to the blood vessel.
- Do not sleep immediately. After the party's, it's good you're doing light activities before bed. This meant that the calories into the body, not directly into sediment pile of fat in the body. It is a good idea, you read the book first, or even better, if you can tidy up the house, such as washing dishes after the party.
- The next same morning, after exercise you should wake up. For example, jogging 30-45 minutes. This activity, helps to burn calories that go for the night. Result, income calories can quickly terbuang, without a pile of fat in the body. (Source: Vivanews)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hidden Fat in Food Favorites
Not just chocolate, cakes or biscuits that you must limit the womb Feed lemaknya high. Many day-to-day food that's good for our health that contains high fat. If consumption is too excessive, it can be a trigger obesity.
What are foods that should be restricted asupannya?
Almond, hazelnut or macadamia nut is a type of low fat and rich in vegetable protein. But limit the consumption of nuts this. For, hidden fat could come at the tendril processing. For example, fried or given various spices and salt.
Fruit yellow-green and fresh, this including the fact that both food consumption to those that berdiet. But if too many, of course, can cause obesity. In every 100 grams avocad, are 17 grams of fat.
You can still mengonsumsi fruit juice or avocad but not mixed with milk, cream or sugar. To avoid eneg and feels more fresh, citrus perasan Mix a little lemon.
Splash of water without mayonnaise salad dressing or thousand island may feel less delicious. But eating fruit salad or vegetables to the diet will be useless if you only use the second lot of the sauce. For every 100 grams of mayonnaise, are 79 grams of fat. High is not it?
To avoid this, it is better to replace pelezat salad with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, or yogurt without the fat. So even when making chicken or tuna sandwich, do not add mayonnaise. To penambah taste, you can still use the black pepper powder or other spices.
Krimer pleased to add the coffee or tea? Additional krimer on your favorite drink is the taste delicious and sweet. But from now on, try to reduce consumption krimer. In 100 grams krimer are 50 grams of saturated fat. Instead, use the milk without the fat.
Peanut butter
As well as the not yet processed nuts, peanut butter is also a source of vegetable protein. Every 100 grams of peanut butter contains 50 grams of fat.
Oles do not peanut butter to your bread for breakfast every day. Limit consumption, simply double sepekan. To reduce the effect of body weight, choose peanut butter that does not contain sugar.
Source: VIVAnews
Monday, March 23, 2009
Healthy Diet for Office Workers
Office workers tend to have eating patterns that are less good. In addition to food choices that are far from healthy menu,office workers also often violate the rules of eating right. For example ngemil in between meals.
Summary of work in the office requires you long-old sitting in front of the computer is also not good for health. Too many sit will make you risk experiencing painful shoulders and back. In addition, you also move less, so the long run, increased body weight.
Activities so that work in the office more effective, the diet should follow the pattern below.
Do not leave the breakfast
Breakfast is very important menyupali energy for the body and brain at work. If you do not have breakfast, you will be more difficult to concentrate and hunger will disrupt the workplace.
If not had breakfast, take the fruit or fruit juice. Select a fruit sugar that can supply blood to the brain, so preventing hunger comes more quickly. For example, orange, apple, and strawberry.
Reduce eating habits outside the
During lunch, your friend with sekantor find jajanan in food stalls. Selection of food stalls on the roadside and diverse you can also create a healthy nutrition Feed forget.
When you select a menu to meet all nutritional needs, there is no problem. Try to select a balanced menu, have carbohydrate, protein, minerals, vitamins, and so forth.
But most jajanan in the street-level health and hygiene doubt. For example, eating fried chicken, the oil is used not necessarily healthy. Oil is usually used fry many times, so that it can be dangerous to health.
Forget not healthy snack
In the time between meals, your stomach still working so that sometimes arise hunger. You certainly tempted to ngemil.
Gorengan or potato chips is a fun friend in the interlude between meals. But food is like no gizinya and high cholesterol.
Prepare the fruit for snack
Try to eat fruit at least five times a day. When the desire ngemil come, eat fruit. Healthy nutrition in the womb the fruit is no longer necessary. High fiber and vitamins can help increase the body's immunity and accelerate digestion.
Select the yellow fruit such as orange, mango, apricot to meet the needs karoten beta. Fruits such as strawberry high berantioksidan, blueberry or grapefruit can also be options.
You can also mengonsumsinya in the form of fruit salad, rujak, or fruit juice, or smoothies. In addition to fruit, you can also prepare the vegetables for snack, such as broccoli, spinach, or carrot.
Do not ignore feeling thirsty
Kantoran employees spend a lot of time in space berpendingin (AC). This makes the body more quickly to dehydration. Sometimes you drink because the delay busy working. But it is dangerous to the function of kidneys.
Suggestion that the white water to drink at least eight glasses good day. But for you, you should add the portion of water. When you go back and forth to lazy to take a drink in Dispenser, provide your teapot on the table.
Many fish menu
Working 8-10 hours a day you make a lot of brain drain. So you need a high protein mengasup.
Disclose health research, people who ate fish at least three times a week have a risk of disease is lower. Gynecology omega 3 fatty acid which is very high in fish helps to protect body cells from damage. In addition, high-protein fish also helps cells repair the brain and nervous system. Thus, the brain work and your concentration better. (Source: Vivanews)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Confidential Cut Tari Stay slim
Not all women after giving birth can quickly get a proportional body. However, the experience of the presenter is really beautiful Cut Tari different. He succeeded in keeping the body still slim.
Usut have usut, wife of Joseph subrata this claim to have a secret to get post-birth body beautiful. He said, with just keep eating patterns.
"I do not mengonsumsi sugar and dinner. I maximize the lunch with rice, while the morning and night just to drink low fat milk. But if the already hungry, I belly up to the bread," said Tari conference after the event "Panasonic Awards 2009" , in the Hotel Mulia, Jakarta, Jumat (20/3/2009).
Ala Dancing healthy diet is indeed a new Get him two this month. Especially after he did not feed the heart, Sydney.
"The result is disappointing and does not make me appear more confident," the birth of women pungkas Jakarta, 1 November 1977 this. (Source: Okezone)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Walk Prevent Obesity
Obesity occurs because of imbalance Feed and energy utilization in the human body. There are three main energy systems that provide fuel for muscles, the two systems anerobik (without oxygen) and one aerobic (using oxygen).
According to sports medicine specialist dr Kurniati Tanjung Ihromi SpKO, for people with Obesity, weight is the point of "excess fat" as the fuel used for energy needs.
Therefore, the aerobic zone is likely to use fat as a source of energy is applied to the appropriate people Obesity.
In this case, the walk (easy walking) is the most appropriate choice. Following tips-tricks for people with walking Obesity:
1. Walking 30 minutes every day. If necessary, tools wearing heart rate monitors (heart rate monitor).
2. In the first 12 minutes: from the road and the more relaxed approach to end-12 minutes more dipercepat so that at the end of the 12-minutes to have approached the maximum pulse formula 180.
3. For 6 minutes later, the road with higher speed, but continue to monitor heart rate (not exceed the maximum individual pulse). In the last 12 minutes: start slowly down the road while maintaining the speed pulse throbbing under the maximum. End the walk with the speed as they are.
4. Before starting the exercise program, do a test MAF (Maximum Aerobic Function Test), and evaluated every sunday 3-4.
5. Do the same load for 3 days in advance, do not rush the training load. Body will provide a signal when we are ready to increase the training load.
6. If the body is ready to accept the burden of higher training, increase training load to be 50 minutes (15 minutes heating, 20 minute aerobic zone in the road, and 15 minutes cooling).
7. Approximately within six months, aerobic capacity is likely to improve if necessary so that we can start anerobik activity such as muscle strength training.
8. Write the data such as body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and pulse measurement scar every morning and test MAF.
9. The decline can be started from the change in the pattern of life, the use of drugs, to surgery.
However, changing patterns of living (including eating patterns) to be more healthy is the key. This commitment must be consistent with as part of a lifestyle that will be lifelong. Thus, the weight can come down to normal levels and avoid stable yoyo effect earlier. The most important body to be healthy and in shape over time.
(Source: Okezone)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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Monday, March 16, 2009
Operating Weight Loss Can Healing the Diabetes
Studying the new record in the Journal of American Medical Association indicates that weight reduction surgery can treat diabetes, as U.S. media reports.
In the study, some Australian researchers found that patients who undergo surgery to reduce the size of their stomach five times more likely to face the fact that their diabetes disappears in two years, compared with patients who undergo standard treatment.
"That is the best therapy for people with diabetes that we have today, and the risk is very low," said lead author in the study that Dr. John Dixon of Monash University Medical School in Melbourne, Australia.
Dixon and colleagues study 60 people with well-fat body mass index more than 30 but less than 40. Body mass index, or BMI, is a high ratio of body weight proportionate. BMI 30 or greater considered overweight.
All patients are overweight and have been diagnosed suffering from type 2 diabetes during the last two years. Their age average is 47 years old.
Half the patients undergoing stomach surgery in circumference, and other groups treatment normal body weight reduction; throughout the study, the team wanted to see whether a decrease in body weight through surgery can be an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes.
75% of patients who undergo stomach surgery circle found their diabetes disappear within two years after the operation.
For those who undergo treatment a decrease in normal body weight, only 13% can eliminate disease.
In addition, those who undergo stomach surgery to lose 20.7% their body weight after two years compared with less than 1.7% of their normal therapy was a decrease in body weight.
"An important finding in this study is the level of decrease in body weight, not the method, appears to be the main driving force and the loss of glycaemic improvement on the diabetic patient is very fat well," said Dixon.
"This has a significant impact, because it shows that intensive therapy decrease body weight may be a first step that is more effective in overcoming diabetes compared with lifestyle changes that simple," he said.
However, Dixon said, "Attitude caution is needed in interpreting the long-term benefit from surgery and decrease in body weight." (Source: Kapanlagi)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
5 The surprising cause of fat
Please note that obesity is caused not only how many calories Feed into your body, but is also influenced by several other factors. There are at least 5 factors which support the body weight increased creep.
Poor Sleep
The process of body metabolism can work well if our bodies enough rest. If less rest, the body can experience stress that result in chemical reactions in the body increases, this will stimulate the emergence appetite. Some people believe that eating before bedtime will make sleep more soundly, but the fact is, you're going to save fat in your body. Therefore, tidurlah about 8 hours in a day.
High Stress
Stress that can also become a factor supporting the increase body weight. If you experience stress, some people have a tendency to run on food. This is because food, especially those containing elements of high-carbohydrate, can increase the serotonin level in the brain, so that effects arising calm. Therefore, if the stress, find other activities to meredakannya, eg with berolah sport.
The influence of Drugs
The effect of each drug is different for customers. There are effects that can cause a sleepy, increase appetite, change blood sugar into fat, and so forth. Therefore, do not forget to always consult with a physician expert on drugs and vitamins that you consume.
Health Delinquent
One of the other causes of why the body is easy to expand hipotiroidism. Hipotiroidism body interference is caused by a lack of production of hormones in the body of someone tiroid. Lack of body metabolism tiroid cause less smoothly, decreased appetite, and increased body weight. Symptoms of this interference is easily tired and haggard, hoarse voice, easily fell ill flu, easy slumber (so much sleep), or simple whim. If you experience these symptoms in check up to see a doctor immediately.
When entering the menopause, women no longer seenerjik as young first time. Slowed the process of body metabolism and hormones change the system (the hormone estrogen decrease), so that the excess arose appetite, depression, and even less sleep. It is therefore highly recommended from now, before even arriving until the menopause, so that each time a woman has a routine exercise. In addition to good health, fitness, maintain body weight remains stable, diligent sport can also strengthen your bones.
So let's start living healthy now! Think positive and rajinlah sport while still maintaining the pattern you still eat healthy. Spirit! (Source: Kapanlagi)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The 10 Step Diet Flash
Busy working, the house, and a myriad of social activities, can make the amount of weight so you continue to grow. What steps should be located to trim fat stack be naughty? See 10 tips that will flash up your body to become more from the previous section:
1. Go sports!
"You can remove one pound each week, or five kilos in a month. This is still of a healthy diet. Start with small things, you only need to exercise on the Treadmill for 10 to 15 minutes. Take three or four activities kardio vaskuler and every sunday You will see results. You should also know the heart tap (and not when beraktivitas) and raga based berolah speed tap the heart, "said Christoper Chua, personal trainers, Beam Me Up Sporty.
2. Try a Body Wrap
Treatment consists of pengolesan PELANGSING lotion and seaweed mask for the body. In the meantime, you will lie on the mattress that has been dihangatkan. Result, the flash can be seen, but different in each person. After that, the Go lifestyle and a healthy diet in addition to treatment is to maintain body weight that has been reduced.
3. Eliminate all
If you are determined to appear more slender, you should try all anti care. In the process, your skin will dicubit and massage to help analyze molecules of fat. Repeated sessions necessary to maintain the results longer.
4. Calculate calories
Old formula that more expenditure than income is the same as the decrease in body weight, is correct. If you are a low calorie diet, your weight will certainly go down. But, you can not continue to count the number of calories you eat. In addition, if you eat less of the body's metabolic needs, this will also slow down the metabolism.
5. Reduce carbohydrate
Akan decrease body weight in flash, but the decline is due to the reduced level of water and muscle. A safer way to do low-carbohydrate diet for the long term is still in and can also cause loss of calcium in urin - which can increase the risk of osteoporosis affected.
6. Avoid Alcohol and Late Night
One glass of wine contains 147 calories and it does not include nuts, chips, snacks, and other typical bar. All that is empty calories that will go directly toward your stomach.
7. Try Diet ala Model
This diet (cabbage and other vegetables) will decrease the weight of your body with certainty. How does not, because, in essence, your body is being semi-starvation! Diet of this kind can not be made in the profligate long.
8. Bowel cleansing
You can reduce the pile of fat. But you must also mengimbanginya with adequate nutrition, fluid Feed, and exercise regularly.
9. Make Dental Operations
When you can not chew or open the mouth properly, you will be a liquid diet and will surely make your weight decreases. This can provide dramatic results, but if you need to do surgery teeth, why is not it now? Do not forget to give time for swelling and improve wound, before starting to eat again.
10. Sex burn calories
Search to find many references to sex can burn many calories. Mencengkeram back pair (11 calories), sigh in Latin (60 calories), eight times orgasme (47 calories), the position of women in the top (25 calories)! (Source: Kapanlagi)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Weight Loss Secret
Have you ever seen a pair of slim-fit jeans in a shop and cringed, because there is no way that you are in them? Have you ever stared enviously at that bikini-clad Hussy on the beach while you skulked in a shady corner of your "sense" a piece swimsuit? Let's face it - not fat is not sexy. In fact, obesity can also play havoc with the sex drive.
But not looking desirable require loads of effort in the gym or eat unappetizing food on your plate? Not anymore. You could lose up to seven pounds in six days, by their miracles Crevax for you.
Created after nine years of research in the Swiss laboratories, Crevax is a healthy solution that guarantees that you lean in double-quick time. Unlike synthetic dietary supplements such as Ephedra and Alli, all seven active ingredients in Crevax are 100% natural herbal supplements. Together, they help you lose weight in three different ways - by the metabolism, suppressing appetite and burning fat. So, you lose weight fast, but not the side effects and long-term health risks that toxic chemicals bring.
Something like this would not be effective and healthy too steep and difficult to obtain? No at all! In fact, online ordering will give you big discounts, so you can quickly your bank. What's more, you do not have to give the chemists' shops - Crevax be conveniently and discreetly delivered right to your doorstep.
What do Crevax so effective are the herbal extracts from around the world who have been known for centuries for their medicinal value:
Hoodia Gordonii: Native South American tribes have long been using this extract as an appetite-suppressing, tricks, how your body into thinking that you are full.
Green tea, EW (Camellia sinensis): Extremely rich in antioxidants, this staple of the Chinese table is free radicals, because of the rapid weight loss and helps break deposits of fatty substances molecules.
Gynostemma pentaphyllum, EW (Jiaogulan): Another widely used Chinese herbal remedies, it contains antioxidants that revitalize and energy while you help burn fat.
Salvia Miltiorrhiza, EW (Dan-Shen/Red Sage): Traditional to thin blood and prevent blood clotting, it is often used to treat heart and vascular diseases. It also has a positive effect on the body.
Fructus Lycii, EW (Barbary Wolf Berry fruit): Even by the Chinese as a tonic and a cure for diseases of the blood, it helps to understand the anxiety, eliminate stress and tension, promotes blood circulation and nourishes the blood.
Peony Root, EW (Paeonia lactiflora / Shao Bao) from the crushed root of the peony plant, it is very effective in boosting your immunity levels. This is what led to keep you healthy and strong while you lose weight quickly.
Taurinne Amino Acid: This excerpt from bile helps digest fats, absorb fat-soluble vitamins and your cholesterol levels. It also helps you overcome anxiety, stress and hyperactivity.
With: James maklan
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nicole Scherzinger showroom stomach Average is Sexy
HEALTH sometimes someone from the measured size of the stomach, because the pattern does not eat healthy would be bad for that. Bad for health, also for appearance.
Many women even race-race stomach. The physical appearance will be considered a minus if the stomach appear to stand out. Moreover, to the world of appearance pesohor never escape from the coverage.
Later, the business hard to stomach even performed by singer posing like a beautiful sexy, Nicole Scherzinger. Now, not only the style in clothes and stage action that makes Nicole penggemarnya surprised. Vocalist pussycat Dolls music group is also seen that tempt even the stomach is not distended alias.
According to the news that dilansir The Sun, stomach even beloved champion Formula One (F1), Lewis Hamington this dipamerkannya in a photo session on the outside of the one hotel in New York. Nicole is proud to show any curvature of the body how beautiful, particularly the form of a flat stomach without the pile of fat.
Opportunity to attend the event in television's Jimmy Fallon, Nicole stomach even more visible in the section packing clothes that she wearing. He put on trousers denim blue trim with a cohesive senior one shoulder a la India, which can be used also as a head cover. To complete the look a la India, Nicole also put red marks on the forehead. (Source: Okezone)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
10 Effective Weight Loss Tips on solving your problems overweight
The people suffer from obesity and overweight problems largely increased. Almost 95% of the people who have lost weight, they simply relax and this is because they lose weight in the wrong way. Do we have with 10 easy weight loss tips to help you solve your problems, overweight, stay healthy and keep fat away forever.
Here are 10 simple weight loss tips and stay healthy forever
1.Eat increasingly:
Eating more does not mean that eating more in a single meal. I mean, to eat smaller meals, from first to last the day, five to six meals. Smaller, more frequent meals your body speeds up the metabolism, how your body works to digest. This gives you more energy to prevent hunger and the pain keep you from overeating.
2.Store cut raw vegetables and fruits in the fridge or wherever it is often:
It is hard to argue with the health in the amount of vegetables and fruits. It helps us to lower blood pressure, a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and certain cancers likely, lower risk of eye and digestive problems and a mild effect on blood sugar levels to help the appetite in check. One of the easy weight loss tips to eat a few pieces of vegetables 30 minutes before your lunch or dinner. This reduces your appetite.
3.Begin the habit of walking:
The doctors say that walking is the best medicine for people down the aging process slows down and it is one of the simple weight loss tips. It helps the blood circulation throughout the body and thus has a direct effect on your health. Walking also helps us improve both our lean body mass and body metabolism, as we age. Even a moderate activity such as walking for thirty minutes every day at a comfortable pace to burn an additional 200 calories. True, this is not sufficient enough to achieve a significant decrease in your weight, but it will promote weight loss.
4.Try to be active after dinner:
An activity that you enjoy after meals to keep your thoughts away from food. It would be nice if you can have dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed.
5.Drink plenty of water:
Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and the means for nutrients to travel to all of your organs. Moreover, the water of oxygen to your cells, removes waste and protects your joints, organs and keeps the body metabolism. One of the easy ways to lose weight is to drink at least one gallon of water per day. In addition, you can curb your appetite for a glass of water or a cup of tea before meals.
6. Optimistic weight loss approach:
Have your mind to work for a lean body, you should take the commitment and go into it with a positive attitude. In fact, it takes time, practice, dedication and support for the life-changing habits.
7.Have a healthy and large Breakfast:
There is an old saying, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like prince and dinner like a Pauper. Persons who are healthy and large breakfast, as a rule, feel less hungry throughout the day. Investigations confirm that the food is the biggest part of our daily calories during the breakfast, the food necessary for the production of energy, so less calories are left over to grease
8.Follow some good weight loss programs:
One of the easy weight loss tips is to diet and weight loss programs that are now more versatile than they once were. There are many foods already portioned, they are attractive and can be done in a matter of minutes. You can learn to eat sensibly skills. Please note that weight loss program is also likely to be some physical exercises.
9.Increase your physical activity:
One of the easy weight loss tips is to participate actively in the rule such as climbing the stairs instead of lift, drag, instead of sitting still, sitting, lying instead. It was found that a 30 minutes aerobic workout for far less energy expenditure than our minute-to-minute movement in the office or at home.
10.Increase body metabolism: People who diet without exercising often thicker with time. Even though your weight may initially fall during the diet, such as weight loss is mainly water and muscle. If the weight gain it back as fat. One of the easy ways to lose weight is to increase your body metabolism by exercising regularly.
I do not have this item only, you or inform you but with the hope, inspire you to take the necessary steps to turn the body you want. I urge you to do what you have learned and start now! You should begin now, if you are not doing so already. The path to a healthy body is just beginning.
by: Rajeev Kumar