Monday, March 16, 2009

Operating Weight Loss Can Healing the Diabetes

Studying the new record in the Journal of American Medical Association indicates that weight reduction surgery can treat diabetes, as U.S. media reports.

In the study, some Australian researchers found that patients who undergo surgery to reduce the size of their stomach five times more likely to face the fact that their diabetes disappears in two years, compared with patients who undergo standard treatment.

"That is the best therapy for people with diabetes that we have today, and the risk is very low," said lead author in the study that Dr. John Dixon of Monash University Medical School in Melbourne, Australia.

Dixon and colleagues study 60 people with well-fat body mass index more than 30 but less than 40. Body mass index, or BMI, is a high ratio of body weight proportionate. BMI 30 or greater considered overweight.

All patients are overweight and have been diagnosed suffering from type 2 diabetes during the last two years. Their age average is 47 years old.

Half the patients undergoing stomach surgery in circumference, and other groups treatment normal body weight reduction; throughout the study, the team wanted to see whether a decrease in body weight through surgery can be an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes.

75% of patients who undergo stomach surgery circle found their diabetes disappear within two years after the operation.

For those who undergo treatment a decrease in normal body weight, only 13% can eliminate disease.

In addition, those who undergo stomach surgery to lose 20.7% their body weight after two years compared with less than 1.7% of their normal therapy was a decrease in body weight.

"An important finding in this study is the level of decrease in body weight, not the method, appears to be the main driving force and the loss of glycaemic improvement on the diabetic patient is very fat well," said Dixon.

"This has a significant impact, because it shows that intensive therapy decrease body weight may be a first step that is more effective in overcoming diabetes compared with lifestyle changes that simple," he said.

However, Dixon said, "Attitude caution is needed in interpreting the long-term benefit from surgery and decrease in body weight." (Source: Kapanlagi)

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