Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prevent Fat After Party

Fuel into the fat in the body when the party in the dining sesampainya at home!

If you are not planning to eat excessively and appeared to fail, do not quickly disappointed. Excess calories sepenting not how you react to it. When you respond to the excess food with the chagrin of the self, you may be pushed even more to eat later. When you are eating a lot of terlanjur, have 'penawar' it, such as:

- Drink 2 glasses of white water, sesampainya at home. Air melarutkan useful white fat, that fat does not accumulate too long in the body.

- Drinking a cup of tea without sugar. Tea ekskresi can throw urine and digestion. Caffeine and polifenol compound found in tea can accelerate the process of digestion, because it stimulates production of stomach fluids, which can be menetralisir fat in food.

- Eat an apple. One of the nutrient contents of apple fiber is beneficial, useful help lower blood cholesterol level. Of an apple, you already get 20% fiber body that is required. In addition to fiber, vitamin C in apples (about 8% abortion) function as antioxidants capable of preventing the oxidation of LDL (bad fat), so that the probability to stick to the blood vessel.

- Do not sleep immediately. After the party's, it's good you're doing light activities before bed. This meant that the calories into the body, not directly into sediment pile of fat in the body. It is a good idea, you read the book first, or even better, if you can tidy up the house, such as washing dishes after the party.

- The next same morning, after exercise you should wake up. For example, jogging 30-45 minutes. This activity, helps to burn calories that go for the night. Result, income calories can quickly terbuang, without a pile of fat in the body. (Source: Vivanews)

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