Saturday, July 11, 2009

Section with a Hula Hoop

You often use certain of jeans. In addition to comfortable and relaxed look, jeans can also make your body more sections, especially in the buttocks and thigh. Nah, that's when you use more sections of jeans try to practice using the Hula hoop.

Games that we often do this while still smaller than the exclamation can make the best buttocks, stomach and thigh much faster. Hula hoop with practice is also quite simple and you can do it yourself at home.

Just follow the instructions three Hula-hoop movement of Christabel Zamor, author book "Hooping: A Revolutionary Fitness Program". Before the three movements, it is stabilkan first movement that is basically play with Hula hoop your waist.

If the movement plays Hula hoop stable try to walk slowly. Posisikan upright with your back and shoulders to maintain balance, and walk step by step. To create a more comfortable follow these steps:

1. Stand with feet parallel play while Hula hoop with pinggul.

2. Along with the lap Hula hoop, move the body to load and use the right foot left foot to maintain balance. And do a turn, after the new movement to your feet.

3. Hula hoop while you play with the waist, langkahkan right foot to the right and left foot dekatkan the right foot. Walk slowly and note the balance. To continue to do to you.

While your body vibrate with the Hula hoop, akan torso to move up and down. Follow the steps below so that the movement more effective Hula hoop strain musculature you:
1. Start with menggerakan Hula hoop around the waist. Lift your hands up to elbow higher than shoulder. Try to speed the movement waist.

2. Pusatkan attention to menggerakan Hula hoop with your body. Move the hoop from the waist to the top of the body to the chest. You need to set the concentration of high and with good breath.

3. Ayunkan all over the body with the movement to be quite vibrant menggerakan Hula hoop.

4. Continue to do, try to ride Hula hoop axilla. This exercise simply drain energy and concentration.

In this movement, you must lift the Hula hoop with the front of the stomach so that it can move diagonally. This exercise is very effective form stomach and thigh. The steps:

1. Hula hoop with the movement of waist and lift the pelvis. When you feel the Hula hoop in the stomach and then lift up. To keep your hands in the back of the place in front of the head or chest.

2. Look up. When your eyes glance up, stomach muscles will be interested because you also hold Hula hoop.

3. Make a Hula hoop hop to leg, and when the lift is in the stomach while longer to see the top. If the Hula hoop always fall, continue to practice until your habit. Remember to always set your breath.
• VIVAnews

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This is the Secret Diet Success!

Appear slim and beautiful, many women is the desire. Because, with a beautiful body and how sad, the confidence of women tends to increase. Usually, if the desire is so strong, the diet also be an alternative choice.

Not to step in selecting a diet program, it's good you recognize the type of diet. Do not select the original, because the consequences can be fatal.

Want to know what diet is becoming a trend and the risk, ulasannya following:

1. Raw Food Diet

Perpetrators of this type of diet believes that mengonsumsi food that is processed with the temperature above 46-47C akan enzyme-destroying enzyme that provides many benefits for health.

While most agree that the best diet is mengonsumsi fruits, vegetables, and grains that are processed at least, actually process the food through the process of the correct womb can increase gizinya, especially phytonutrient, and stop the activities of bacteria that are not healthful.

Raw food diet many foods that mengonsumsi based plants, including fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and bean sprouts, corn and bean.

Materials, food was very good and you can make different kinds of food from raw materials.

2. Low-calorie diet (hCG)

This is the amount of calories with the diet that is low (500,800 calories per day) plus injection with the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Diet any lower in calories to under 1000 calories is not safe, especially for beginners. And, you will lose weight even though many have been getting injections milk shake. Of course, the gold in the diet is the more quickly your body weight down, it will also semaking fast you get it back.

In addition, scientists do not know if it safe to hCG injected into the body when our bodies do not naturally memproduksinya.

3. Diet Supplements Drink Mix (Master Clean)

Southern California, are of this type of diet trends. "Here, actors try to do diet 'cleaning up' with the mixture of water perasan lemon, maple syrup, and spicy red chili (Cayenne pepper) several times a day for 10 days," said Karla Campbell, MS, RD, a dietitian at the Long Beach, California.

Then in the evening they drink herbal tea that also functions as a laxative, and a quarter cup of salt water in the morning. Both can be clean digestive system and your bowels.

No need to say that there is no research that indicates that the digestive system and organs we need help in collecting the waste and poisons in the body.

Only this type of diet contains 650-1300 calories and lack of many key nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron and zinc. But experts do not have a diet that is suggested to undergo this type of diet for more than 1-2 days.

Campbell also added a warning: people who undergo this type of diet will end with the loss of body fat mass. When is' clean 'and return to their previous eating patterns, they will be fat again. May become even more fat than the previous.

4. Sup diet cabbage (and other similar vegetables)

Compete with the rumor circulating, this type of diet is not recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA); Sacred Heart Hospital Memorial in Spokane, Washington; or by any health care organization. In fact, AHA and other organizations recommend a diet to control this trend.

Although there are several versions, all of the seven day cycle is based on all types of mengonsumsi cabbage soup 'fat burner' (a mixture of cabbage, carrots, celery, tomato, pepper, and onion). Because of many vegetables that contain fluid and nutrition, the type of diet is not a diet other.

5. Diet Akupuntur Ear (Ear Stapling)

This relatively new trend based on the theory that the experts Akupuntur an area of the ear can manage your appetite. Menindik procedures similar to the ear, but constant pressure on the 'belly' ear you will limit your appetite.

There is no research that states the relationship between ear stapling with a decrease in body weight. But there is much evidence that it can cause serious infection and changes shape.

If you need is to control your appetite, then you better try mengonsumsi something that can work better, such as mengonsumsi more fruits and vegetables than other food types. (Source:

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wow, Married Causes Obesity

One proof of new research on Obesity in the United States about the scientists. Fact wedding can become the cause of someone experiencing excess weight loss (Obesity).

Based on the results of a research team of researchers from the University of North Carolina, married couples or who already live together, two times greater risk than they experience Obesity is still single and living alone.

Risk is also increased in the pair who have lived together in time.

According to Penny Gordon-Larsen, a researcher, not only to give marriage a positive impact on health such as the reduction in smoking and that the decreasing death rate. But marriage can also give negative effects such as increased numbers Obesity.

"We also see an increase in excess body weight in the pair that has the same age and at risk of Obesity," he said as quoted from the BBC.

Obesity also causes no longer based on the factors of age, but because of changing attitudes and habits someone. Generally, couples who have lived together, whether married or not, tend to do activities together that can make their excess body weight.

More often consumed as snack, cook together, eat more often and rarely outside berolah sport and prefers watching television than when they were both still living alone.

Research also found that couples who live together with more than two years, especially the couple who have been married showed patterns Obesity and physical behavior the same in each pair is examined.

The research team hopes that the results of this, each pair will be more alert to what will happen when they get married.

At least with this phenomenon they will remind each other and so does not influence either the overweight or Obesity. (Source:

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Sports For pear shape body type

Has tried to aerobic routine, weight never wane. Sports what exactly?

I (28) has the form of the body feel less proportional. Body weight 61 kg, and 155 cm high. I can not wear trousers or skirt size M (too small), but my shirt or blouse size M.

During the year, I have been trying to reduce the aerobic and ngemil, but there are no changes. Until finally lazy exercise. What advice the doctor?

From the above data, it can be, you have the body type gyneoid, ie there are piles of fat in the thigh (femoral) and buttocks (gluteus), which form the body such as the pear fruit. Type of obesity is more profitable than the type android (cumulation of fat in the abdomen, shape the body, such as apple fruit), which owned most men. The android type is one characterize someone who has a higher risk of heart disease and blood vessel.

However, it should, you should not dismiss sports activities. In addition to aerobic, you can also add your own exercises, such as with walking or jogging 30-45 minutes, three times a week. If you exercise less, then your body itself is bertipe pear fruit is more lax, so it looks bigger.

Do not forget to eat a good pattern. Change camilah with fruit. Before eating, it's good gulp a glass of water and white first. After that, then vegetables, followed by rice and lauknya. Select vegetables that contain lots of fiber, such as spinach, and kangkung.
• VIVAnews

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The fat is not so that After giving birth

Most women can indeed grow fat after the birth. Pregnancy is one of the high risk of a woman fat permanently. However, do not worry about weight because the body can return to the original position.

In the Asian women, increased body weight on average is between 9-12 kg during the pregnancy progress. Meanwhile, after giving birth weight usually increases 3-6 kg. Diet during pregnancy is not recommended (a balanced diet and light exercises recommended). Here are some factors that can make fat have after giving birth:

1. Direct your body weight increase in the first semester tri pregnancy.
Excess body weight can terakumulasi during the first three months of pregnancy, which can also cause your baby's fat candidates. You can only hope kenaikannya around 1-2kg in trisemester I, and body weight will increase only 1-2 kg per month.

Expert advice: Forget about the term "eating for two." Three regular meals a day, plus 1-2 in the glass of milk every day plus fruits enough. Avoid unhealthy snack such as chips, gorengan, and others.

2. Increased body weight exceeds the recommended doctor
The increased body weight during pregnancy, the more you minimize it difficult later on.

Expert advice: the recommended body weight during pregnancy depending on the actual body weight (before pregnancy). If the lack of weight, must be improved. Meanwhile, if enough fat, increase body weight are not recommended.

3. After giving birth, you can not change the eating habits during pregnancy.
It's likely the new mother has difficulty to return to the pattern of eating before pregnancy. Hormone changes that occur in the body can even make food Feed you are not controlled.
Expert advice: Try kendalikan Feed by reducing the share of food.

Reduce The Risk Weight Loss
There are two things that can be done to reduce the growing risk of excess body weight during the pregnancy:

- Beraktivitas outside the home after giving birth a few months. Because, outside the home can be easier to change your eating habits when you can.

- During the exercise. If you do light exercises regularly during pregnancy, increase in body weight you are not too many. Moreover, if this practice was continued after birth, your body will be guaranteed to return to original shape.
• VIVAnews

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Start Your Healthy Life Today

Health is very important for people because you can do anything you want if you have a healthy body. For a woman, healthy body sometimes is not enough but woman sometimes want to have a slim body. Stay healthy and slim can be so easy and you can start it by doing sports, eat some nutrient foods, have enough rest, and many more. You can consume some supplement to get your slim and healthy body.

If you need some supplement to get a healthy and slim body, you can trust Herbalife. Herbalife allow you to get some supplement which can give you a slim body without cause any dangerous disease to your body. If you interested with Herbal Life, you should visit This website allows you to find Herbalife International which offers you some herbal products that you can consume. From the website you can find independent Herbalife Distributor so you can order Herbalife products easily. All of the products are Herbal Nutrition which made of natural materials so it will be so safe for you. The Herbal Nutrition Network will give you the herbal supplement you need.

When you can get a slim and healthy body easier, you have no reason to wait but all you should d just open the website and order Herbalife products.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ala Beyonce Diet Motivation

Who does not want to have a body section, such as singer Beyonce Knowles?

Body plump wife Jay Z is, of course, does not didapatkannya easily. He must undergo rigorous sports and eating patterns.

To undergo all that, it needed a strong motivation. And what makes Beyonce can undergo strict diet with the spirit?

Memotivasinya that appeared to have slim body is to shop. Of course, the style is different from the usually berbelanjanya.

Beyonce always buy a shirt or trousers of smaller body size. This is so that it has a strong reason to immediately lower the body weight.

"I often buy clothes that size is smaller than the size of my body, so I have strong reason to diet, so that is can use immediately," such as kat Beyonce quoted from

In addition, the age of 27 performers this year revealed that the dream of getting Oscar is one motivation for him to stay to maintain fitness and form of the body.

Although has been successfully reduce body weight of 6 kg, while a role Deena Jones in the film Dreamgirls, Beyonce does not feel comfortable.

"I'm not too comfortable when the body has such a model, because it does not look natural. I also do not feel sexy, not because it is not feel myself," said Beyonce.
• VIVAnews

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Exercise with calorie fuel burden

Useful exercise to establish the burden of the body muscles. But, you might ask, why I recommended the burden of the exercise, when I want to slim the body, not a muscular body? To answer your question, read the research experts from the sports Tuft University, United States, the following.

Research conducted on a group of volunteers recently showed that after 12 days they succeeded in increasing the mass ototnya, 1.5 kg and the average reduction of 2 kg of fat.

Increased muscle mass can make the volunteers a number of calories consumed 15% more than needed. So, if they eat as much as usual 1500 calories a day, after the program they can add 225 calories more, without having to worry akan body weight increases.

From that research, the experts also concluded:
- Network muscle can burn 17 calories - 25 times more fat than the network.

- Each half kilogram muscle burn approximately 35 - 50 calories each day, while a network of fat, in the same amount, can only burn 2 calories only.

- The more muscle mass in the body, will be the more calories are burned each day. That way, we can even slightly 'loose' in determining the amount of calories that enter through the food / drink.

Answer your questions above is: has the more muscle mass, and calorie burning in your body also becomes more. Therefore, the burden of training to help you become slim.

Therefore, try selingi sports training burden you with 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. As a beginner, you can use dumbel seberat 2 kg.
• VIVAnews

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lower Weight Loss, Without hunger

DO NOT proud of the body fat. Previously many people say that means the fat is very prosperous. In fact, Obesity or overweight can cause many different diseases.

Research reported that a meeting of experts on the alimentary tract in the United States showed that women who are fat have affected the risk of colon cancer 4 times larger than a normal woman. A new research conducted in Australia by taking the sample weight over 109 women and 33 women who have normal body weight for at-test heart function and structure produce; weight increasing the heart muscle will be thick. That means weight loss can cause the heart can not berkontraksi and berelaksasi to normal. In addition, many diseases that arise due to joint problems such as Obesity, a problem with heart health, hypertension, diabetes meditus, hormonal disturbances and many other.

Diet? But the next question if you are prepared in ways that are usually such as diet. Too much food should be avoided and added to the portion of the mnyusut make the diet often does not feel the benefit but only a positive feeling hungry. Consequently, people often do not give up a diet program because it is very harrowing. So, how? Here are some tips that you can try to make a diet program without the need to feel hunger:

Forget calorie

Remember that the calories burned will vary in different also in our bodies. Often the only fat in the diet to be low calorie. Some evidence shows that when calories are eaten together, the individual mengonsumsi most fat actually lose more weight. Moreover, the effect on the taste of food will determine body weight and the ability to eat. The key to be able to lose weight in the long term is not to concentrate on the amount you eat, but the quality of food.

Perbanyak protein-rich food

Protein could satisfy appetite more than carbohydrate or fat. Thus, many foods that contain protein and satisfying taste of food. Therefore, the consumption of food rich in protein should be reduced. Berprotein high food such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and grains.

Utamakan food with Glisemik Index (GI) rendak

Glisemik Index or GI is a measure of how quickly foods release sugar into the blood channel. The higher the amount of food in the GI, the lower the satisfaction of the can. From 20 studies that have been published between 1997 to 1999, 16 research indicates that foods with low GI can give you the satisfaction obtained from food and reducing hunger after. In addition to potato protein-rich food that also has a number of very low GI is beans, lentil, and most fruits and vegetables.

Do not forget breakfast

Besides as a source of energy in the morning, breakfast for most people serve as deterrent to eat too much during the day. This phenomenon is learned in the research published in the Journal of Nutrision. Studies show if we eat more at night, on average eat more calories than we eat the portion of the same morning for breakfast. So, make sure you have breakfast in the morning in order to have a natural appetite.

Do not eat too excessive

Segampang not be that, to control how much food they have to go in our stomach when hungry. Although still feel hungry, you can eat with mensiasati between mealtimes. Mengonsumsi a little nuts or fruit in the afternoon or evening can be trusted to make us eat more healthy in the hours to eat. You need to know to eat regularly have contact with the low level of insulin (hormone that can stimulate the production of fat in the body).

You have to chew

Sounds trivial. But we realize it or not, chewing often be overlooked, especially by men when they eat. With a variety of reasons they leave the food that is still rough entry into the alimentary tract. In addition to ease of food processed in the alimentary tract, in the diet program, chew and eat more slowly you can not make food mengonsumsi excessive. Ideally, food should be chewed before swallowed evenly. With this you will not be in a hurry can even make you do not touch the rest of the food really chewed and swallowed.

Make sure your diet is ideal

Based on the results of psychological research, each person has a high metabolic dexterity different. For example, some memiilki the metabolism of fat is very good, while the other has the metabolism of the prime karbihidrat. With this, hopefully can find the most ideal diet for yourself.
(Source: Okezone)

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Modifier genes carbohydrate Fat Be Found

The researchers from the United States have found that the genes responsible for the plateful pasta (carbohydrate) to be fat. These findings help explain how important the body memetabolisasi role of the carbohydrate and the emergence of obesity.

Genes, called DNA-PK, appear to set the process of conversion of fat into carbohydrate in the lever. Then the scientists called the team from the University of California Berkeley explains, Tuesday in the journal Cell.

"We hope that this research will one day help someone to no longer worry when mengonsumsi fat bread, pasta, and rice," said Roger Wong, one of the researchers who are still students in a statement.

When they multiply mouse genes with the same version but not perfect, these mice appear slim despite many kalorinya consumption.

"DNA-PK is not perfect makes this mouse-rat to be more slim and 40 percent easier to lose body fat compared with normal mice in the control group." Wong clear.

He says, mouse-rat genes that lack of this does not get fat when they consume high-calorie food and even blood cholesterol level can be lower. As a result, the risk of heart attack is low. The same genes, said the research team, can be used for medicine as a potential obesity prevention / Obesity. (Source: Kompas)

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5 Strategies scrape Fat

Lower weight at least a pound a week. Or, if possible sekilo week. This is the best way to remove body fat. Decrease in body weight is slowly going to help make the skin more so mulus and fast. Stay in the slow lane, and still do a series of exercises that can help eliminate all. To be the maximum, follow the five fat repellent following programs:

1. Measure with your hands

We hand you a tool that is, so no need to fuss a cup or spoon again. Hand grip is a guide for Feed 85 grams of meat, while sekepalan hand size is fit for pasta. Thumb we equivalent to 28 grams (except for cheese, which require thumb size 1.5), and the tip of the finger together with 1 teaspoon, if we use it to measure the oil.

2. Eat small portions

Santap three small portions of food and snack two or three a day, with a distance of about 4 hours. The women that follow the pattern of eating this mini will have a more slender body and body fat was less than a large meal two or three times a day, so according to researchers at the University of Michigan. Eat small portions more often we can make the metabolism go faster and keep the belly full, so we do not eat excessively.

3. Crop per 100 calories of food

There is no need to calculate the amount of occupied calories disantap, and explore the elements of approximately equal to 100 calories. Simply do not touch the bread crouton salad while eating in the restaurant or reduce the butter 1 tablespoon bread spread at any time. Both equivalent to 100 calories.

4. Select high-fiber food and water

For example: chicken soup stock or raw vegetables. Indeed, two types of food is less likely to invite the taste, so be avoided. But research on 150 people showed excessive body weight, they eat the soup every day body weight down 50 percent greater than that does not do so. And, eating habits lalap Feed can also cut calories to 12 percent, according to other research.

5. Leave a food and snack food ready

Biscuit, cracker, and other processed foods that contain calories and do not have a large uterus adequate nutrition. Last survey of 7,000 people said that women who eat like a high-calorie snack have a body mass index number higher and also a more heavy weight.

Food fat remover

Add this food to the menu daily to control appetite, burn fat, and conquer all.

Oatmeal. Study in 2006 found in oatmeal fiber can satisfy appetite Feed without excessive calories. We will eat less.

Vegetable juice. Now there are a variety of vegetable juice with a taste quite nice on the tongue. Drink 1 glass before mealtimes to reduce the Feed up to 135 calories, according to experts from Pennsylvania State University.

Nuts. Gynecology fiber and good fat in nuts make us quickly satisfied, and so according to researchers from Loma Linda University.

Susu fat free. Studies show, when Feed calcium increase, decrease body fat. In addition, processed food susu can reduce the risk of increased body weight to 70 percent.

Green tea. Proven to help stimulate the body metabolism, said the latest clinical research. (Source: Kompas)

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Myrtle Beach Golf Packages and Vacations

Do you like to play golf? Where is your favorite golf course? Well, as a matter of fact, there is a significant growth on the number of golfers lately. More and more people love to play golf as they find that this sport is challenging and interesting. People also find out that this sport more affordable as there are more manufacturers able to provide affordable golf equipment. Since the number of golfers increasing, golf course providers try to accommodate the needs of golfers to play golf comfortably at comfortable golf course.

If you are golfers who want to play golf at comfortable golf course, you need to visit At this website, you can book for Myrtle Beach Golf Vacations. Through this program, you will be able to enjoy playing golf and do other entertaining activities at a great location. Knowledgeable and dedicated staffs from this website will be able to help you finding the perfect Myrtle Beach Golf Packages. You will enjoy the golf course, hotels, and accommodations as well. All of those enjoyments are provided by Golf Myrtle Beach.

Furthermore, you can also find hotel and vacation guide that will help you to enjoy your golf package more. So, if you are interested in golf package, simply choose one among five, and let this website arrange everything for you.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Set Menu Diet with SlimGourmet

COMMUNITY city can now easily obtain a useful comestible healthy diet for the program. Ie SlimGourmet method.

SlimGourmet provide a menu of fresh, hygienic, low-fat, no material or penyedap preservative but nutritious high. SlimGourmet use delivery services twice a day at lunch and dinner.

Rules of the menu is ala SlimGourmet a healthy diet that is reduced 500 calories per day. Reduction in the number of calories per day Feed will lead to a decrease in ideal body weight is not more than 0.5 kg per week.

"Diet with the number of calories less than the energy needs of basalt is not recommended. Because, other than the unhealthy, affected vulnerable yoyo syndrome, the body weight down with fast-rising," said nutrition consultant European Slimming Center (ESC) dr Diana Suganda F, M . Kes.

Continued, with the method body weight reduction could reach two to three kilograms for a month. Itupun highly depends on the individuals who make the program.

There are two programs that can be followed by the meal. First, set the food Optimizing the number of calories a person needs based on entry according to gender, age, body weight and type of activity. This is often done at the lunch menu (lunch).

The second is a food program that is combining to set up food from the type of carbohydrate and protein consumption is not at the same time. Usually done when the dinner menu (dinner).

"Diet does not always punish the body. Origin, we know how good the material and determining how mengolahnya, we can still eat well," Diana demolished. (Source: Okezone)

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

While fuel calories Watch TV

What is the relationship of television watching with obesity? Recently, a study conducted by Dr. Judith Wurtman, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, shows the close correlation between the two it is. That the longer someone spends the time to watch television, the higher their risk of suffering from obesity.

In fact, according to research, the average adult watching television four hours a day. That is just the average figure. What if watching television is a hobby without realizing that time spent almost half of the day-to-day activities? Certain activities that have a large share in making your body fat.

Menyiasati that case, some fitness experts to advise the following:
- Less time watching television, change with the other activities that also preoccupy, such as street light in the garden, gardening, and so forth.

- From bermalasan while watching the sofa, watching television better berolah while the body: for example, sit-ups, or a light practice load.

- Put the fitness equipment (Treadmill, bicycle stasioner, and others) near the television, so you can exercise while watching television.

- Keep the area around the snack television.

- Perform the movement while two witnesses favorite impressions.

1.Sasaran: strengthen the shoulder and arm muscles
- Sit upright with legs straight or bersila.
- Associate finger on the head with the palm facing up. Relaks in head position with eyes terpejam. Push your hands up slowly while breathing normally. Feel peregangan shoulder and arm muscles. Hold position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat the movement as much as 1-3 times. To vary the movement by encouraging the hands to front of chest or back to the

2.Sasaran: lumbar muscle strain, back thigh, and calf
- Sit down with both feet and meeting Align feet to the front. Genuflection and a little foot in the upright condition.
- Crumpled body to the front. Keep the back straight and still does not bend. Win hands as far as possible to the foot finger
- With the relaks and terpejam eyes, respiratory guard that still normal. Feel stretching going on waist, back of the thigh, and calf. Hold position for 30 seconds. Repeat the movement as much as 1-3 times
• VIVAnews

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Murad Acne Products

If you have a beautiful fresh and healthy skin, then you are lucky. Many people are involved with acne problem and they even have to pay so much money for the treatment which not only time and money consuming, but also doesn’t provide long term result. But what if you are one of those with acne problem which not only haunted your teenage times, but also up to now? offers you the ultimate solution of acne treatment which will be able to fix any acne problems no matter if it is the light or the acute ones. This website is the official Murad Acne Complex which provides you the most effective acne solution you can consider. The website will inform you on how the products works and the result on various patients whom one of them will be able to represents your problem.

You can check out the before and after gallery to see the effectiveness of their product to remove acne on various type of skins. Just purchase the acne product featured in this website and you can just apply it according to the instruction, keep on going with the treatment for a while and you will get the healthiest skin you have ever had.

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Buy Medicine Online at

Internet offers the easiness in buying the things we need. In the internet, we can find many things to fulfill our needs. We can buy foods, household equipments, medicines, and many more. In case you don’t have time to buy the things you need, you only need to connect your computer to the internet and go to the online store selling the things you need.

If you are sick and looking for medicines, you can go to This is an online pharmacy where you can get discounted prescription medicines. This is an Indian online pharmacy store that sells many kind of medicines from India to be sold to USA market. All medicines in this site are manufactures by major pharmaceutical Indian companies. You don’t need to worry of the quality of the medicines since they have the same FDA standards just like medicines that are manufactured in the USA.

You can buy the medicines you need based on the categories such as acne, allergies, antibiotic, diabetes, infections, and many more. With the easiness of shopping medicine online in this site, you can save your time and money. Just go to this site and create your account to buy the medicines you need.

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Welcome the Summer with Tight and Perfect Body

Summer are about to come. Are we ready to wear our swimsuit collection back? Last Christmas and new years celebration seems to left some fats in our body; it is time for us to burn all the fats before it is too late so we can show our tight and perfect figure on our swimsuit. When we have no time to go to the gym, it will be better for us to exercise at home.

By exercising at home, we do not have to spend times on the crowded street to go to the gym, and we do not have to wait for other who uses the fitness equipment on the gym. With our own fitness equipment, we can use the equipment whenever we want and as often as we want. Unfortunately, to get the fitness equipment, we have to spend lots of money do we? It might be true in the past, but now we can buy the fitness equipment with affordable price at

On the website, we can get various fitness equipments like agile that completed with fan. We can also get ellipticals machines with I-pod docks and color screen display. If we love to run on our treadmills, we can also buy it on the page. To welcome the summer, we should not miss the 40% discount for some products.

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High Calcium Diet Weight Loss Create Stable

Forget the heavy sports exhaust energy to lose weight. There are other ways that do not need to make your tortured. Ie with a high calcium diet.

According to health experts, high consumption of calcium more than enough to lose weight on their experience of sport Obesity is a heavy strain the body.

Calcium level? But the food, such as susu berkalsium high olahannya and products such as cheese, and so would many women be avoided because the high fat and calories.

However, research done by Angelo Tremblay of the Universite Laval's Faculty of Medicine together with his team to prove the benefits of high calcium diet to reduce body weight. But diet is only successful in the less mengonsumsi calcium in kesehariannya.

The research team conducted experiments on several women who have experienced Obesity. Prior research has been done, the people who experience Obesity is only mengonsumsi 600 milligram calcium a day. Feed is below the recommended calcium every day is 1000 milligram a day.

During 15 days, respondents are asked mengonsumsi 1200 milligram calcium. And the results, respondents who diligently mengonsumsi appropriate recommendation calcium decreased body weight about 6 kg in 15 weeks.

"According to our hypothetical, the brain can detect the lack of calcium in the body and encourage the search for compensation with the desire to eat. Things that cause the body weight increases, "said Tremblay who is also the Head of Canada Research Chair in Environment and Energy Balance.

"Feed akan enough calcium to maintain the stability desire to eat," he said.

In addition to helping overcome the weight problem, a high calcium Feed or appropriate advice can also help reduce bad cholesterol level in the body.

Products that not only high berkalsium susu or cheese, but many other prosuk that need to be consumed in balanced. For example, beans, avocad, and broccoli.

In the research that been done before Tremblay, revealed that women with low calcium mengonsumsi problems have more weight, waist circumference, and levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Research also proves, people who reduce the Feed susu susu or processed products for about six years will have increased body weight and waist circumference.
• VIVAnews

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Acquire Skin Solutions from Murad Products

Dealing with cosmetics products some times make our skin face irritated. Actually, some skin has a sensitive part which causing our skin face oily, red irritated, dry, and acne. These problems should not be leaving out as unimportant case; in fact, it will make your skin face performance decrease. In the other hand, some problems also occur in women at 40 ages, some women have not confident having a wrinkle and dry face.

Through here, I recommend you to view for the promoted products, which will help you maintain your healthy skin and rejuvenate your skin face. This is a Murad product, which brings you many benefits from skin problems. Acne Treatments is one of their main products that will help you eliminate acne and other related problems such as red irritated skin. In the other hand, if you are 40 age and having skin problem such as wrinkle, firmness, and dry skin. Resurgence products from Murad will five you smooth youthful and glow skin.
Buy your Acne Products through this recommendation site, do not worry because all the products here have clinically tested and their acne products have balanced oil production to soothe irritation without drying out your skin. You can also purchase for Acne Body Wash to reduces redness and irritation and exfoliates to keep pores clear. Murad products are your solutions to bring back your smooth and good skin. Get this as your main site to view and purchase for Acne Murad Product.

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Resurgence Products

Having good skin might become your wish if you are in the age of 40, since at this age women tend to have a dry skin and wrinkled. If you are facing this problem, you might look for other solutions such as dealing with moisturizing products. Through online searching, you will get many products reviews, which you can consider one of those products as your skin solution. Here, I recommended you to view for this link site with its product offered. is one of the products, which offers for menopausal skin and suitable for you especially in your 40 age. Resurgence products has observed and trusted, will deliver your skin solutions. If you want to get the Resurgence Reviews, you can view for the products reviews, which informed various kinds of resurgence products from acne treatment to anti aging products, which good for women in 30 ages.

Dr. Howard Murad created Resurgence Products; he is an associate clinical professor of Dermatology at UCLA. If you want a product for your menopausal skin then this Resurgence should you considered as a product that will decrease your skin problem and make it smooth and moisture. Through this searching you can save your money and time, with Resurgence you can keep your skin health even for teenager who have acne problems. Get this site as your place to purchase for Resurgence products and get this as your solutions soon.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dried fruit, sweet snack is Healthy

Sweet food is at once the enemy of women. At a certain time, for example, when the mood is not good because of the influence of hormone, women tend to tuck ngemil. Especially chocolate and cake.

But the food is certainly disrupt your diet. To overcome this, you can change the snack with dried fruit.

Fruit that is dried to become a recommended snack when you want a sweet-sweet. For example APRICOT dry, dates, raisins, dried mango, and so forth.

Why is dried fruit snack good for? Of course because the material in the form of fruit. Basically, the fruit dried fruit is taken water. But all the nutrients such as vitamins and fruit still have minerals in it.

What are the benefits of dry fruit?

• Gynecology sugar
Gynecology sugar in dried fruit is a lot more fruit sugar (fruktosa), which is safer for health. Dried fruit is also high carbohydrate so the body becomes a source of energy.

• Rich nutrition
Dried fruit is a source of a variety of healthy nutrition. For example, calcium is bone, teeth, hair and nails, magnesium is useful to stabilize blood pressure, potassium, which keeps the system kardiovaskular and antibengkak, natriun and iron, which is useful for blood, and fiber needed by the digestive system.

Symmetric APRICOT raisins or dried potassium body needs sufficient in a day. Meanwhile, 50 grams of dried cherries contain vitamin B and magnesium.

• Free food coloring
Colorful fruit tantalize the taste is very dry. The apricot colored bright yellow, blueberry or dates that old purple, red, and the fresh cherries.

But dried fruit, fruit that can be free of harmful food coloring. All bright colors that tempt the coloring material is a natural healthful.

So, simpah dried fruit in the freezer if you occasionally need a healthy snack. But you still have to mengonsumsinya with the recommended limits.

Store dried fruit in a toples hermetic and place it in the locker room with the temperature. Do not store dried fruit too long not to expire and lose nutrisinya.
• VIVAnews

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Healthy in Natural Way

Health is the most important possession we have to keep. Unfortunately, the medication given when we are sick is chemical medication that will give us bad side effect in the end. The chemical medication able to cure the sickness, but if someone has long term sickness and have to consume the medication for a long tine, the medication will poisoning the body and make it sicker.

If in the past we think that chemical medication is the best medication, now day people are aware about the dangerous of the chemical medication and turn to the natural one. Using the natural medication, does not mean that we have to process the herb, but there are some products that are natural based, but packed in modern way. We can get the natural medication at They commit themselves to provide the finest and natural products for our health.

We can get a multivitamin like Intramax to keep our vitality. Other popular product is Poly MVA to give an antioxidant for the body and as effective supplement for the vitality. If we need medication for depression and one that effective to control the mood, we can also get the Lithium Orotate trough the website. There are so many natural medication offered on the page, before we buy it, we better to have a consultation with the doctor that is ready to serve us on the page

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Get dent body ala Eva Mendes

Do not just be jealous. Tiru pattern diet and hard work of Eva. Want to know how?

Dent body of Eva Mendez to make many women envious. But, thanks to the hard work of Eva's sole discretion. Eva follow a diet pattern and exercise routines that hard. See how the hard work of shaping the body of Eva langsingnya.

1. Rent a coach
Acrobatics trainers will guide you to know the correct movement. A friend suggested renting Eva renowned trainer, Harley Pasternak. But, if your bag is not enough time to rent a coach, try another alternative. Join the fitness center. There are physical trainers who will guide you. Like, what the movement as a safe and effective for you, and how often you have to do so.

2. Know your body
Tonjolkan the body that you most banggakan. Many of the posterior Eva Mendez is the biggest asset is latin artists. Eva was conscious. He also practice hard bokongnya the more compact form. Nyamanlah feel with your body type! You only need to work hard to refine.

3. Make routines
Make your exercise as a form of routines. If it is implemented on a regular basis, slowly you can feel the change. The body with strong patterns and exercise routines. Eva trainers start training with the light, and the weight gradually. Each week personal trainer Eva increase the number repetition exercises. You will not be bored with the way like that. The body is strong.

4. Combine exercise
Do a combination of exercise and strength kardio. Eva Mendes to do with the heating practice Treadmill and elliptical machine for five minutes. Next, combine exercise with the load, diselingi exercise kardio, such as jump ropes for each set. After that, you rebahkan back in balance with the ball on the heel.

5. Consumption of healthy food
Consumption of healthy menus, as listed in the book 5-Factor Diet is applied Eva. Egg white, fat-free cheese, salmon, and red rice. Adjust the Feed feed your body with calories. So, you can still enjoy the food while the body shape.

6. Healthy snacks
Choose healthy snacks, so that you are satisfied throughout the day. Eva including women who partake cemilan hooked. But, he carefully selecting healthy snacks, such as cereals.
• VIVAnews

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lose Weight Quickly

Do you want to look good in any clothes you wear? Well, if you want to do that, you certainly need to keep the shape of your body. You must not be over weight as you will find difficulties to find the right clothes for you. However, if you are already over weight, you will need to lose your weight. There are many ways you can do to help you losing weight but not all of those ways are safe. It is very important for you to choose the safest way so that you can lose your weight and keep healthy.

As you can see at, there is a way for you who want to lose weight quickly. At this website, you will find a product that can help you to shape your body. There are four products offered at this website and all of those products contain only natural ingredients which are safe for your body. The products are able to help you losing your belly fat so that you will look great. If you are running your spa industry, these products will become an important asset for your business. Your customers will surely like every inch weight loss they experience after they are treated using these products.

Further, you will also find complete explanation about the usages of these products. Simply read detail information provided at this website including the testimonials of real users to get clearer explanations about the benefits of these products. So, if you want to lose your weight quickly, you can consider this website as your primary resource.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Let Sexy, Gwen Stefani diligent Diet

To keep her body always looks honorable gent, Gwen Stefani diet program that runs every day. He operates a South Beach Diet program.

South Beach Diet is a diet that consists of three stages. All encourage the consumption of fat is good and avoid evil in the fat body.

South Beach Diet begins habit of consuming healthy food and a healthy lifestyle as well.

Gwen tries to keep distance with the foods that contain fat. However he occasionally consume himself menghalalkan zwieback or pizza.

So what Gwen consumed daily? Gwen always provide at least two boxes susu vanilla. Do not forget a set of tools to make hot tea, teapot, among others, to make tea, natural honey, fresh lemon, a natural mint the box, and the chamomile.

When out of town, do not forget Gwen provides organic vegetables. Penyanyi blond always bring three cucumber, a bunch of fresh carrots, a pack of sugar beet, a bunch of fresh spinach, and one bunch celery leaves.

Not only that, this beautiful seleb also do not forget to provide a bowlful almond and cashew nuts and fresh fruits such as melon or berry

Gwen blood money for this kind have become rutinitasnya daily. Gwen does not feel tortured with a diet that is done.

One thing that most are kept by Gwen avoid fatty foods and processed foods. Gwen complement it with acrobatics and yoga regularly. Are you interested? Please try.

• VIVAnews

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Medical Alarm for Seniors

The need to protect someone we love is something that cannot e compromised anymore. This also works when you have grandparents or parents who need full time supervision because of their physical limitations. We don’t want them to be in danger because of their inability to protect themselves don’t we? So what if we can’t protect them all the time because of our other duties like working or studying?

Here is a website which understands fully our needs of providing full protections for our loved ones. offers you Medical Alarm systems which not only worlds effectively to protect your seniors, but also to remind them when it’s time to get the medication. There are a lot of problems which occurs along with the aging process and the degradation in the memory capacity is one of the most common aging symptoms which often occur to seniors.

Medical Alarm will be able to show us where they go is we lost them somehow. Medical Alarm will also be a good protection when there if something bad happen because it will send alerts to medical professionals and closes people so the wearer will be able to get help as soon as possible. Provide your loved ones full protection and rest assured for their safety with BrickHouseAlert’s help.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Muffled desire Ngemil

Often can not control the desire ngemil? Be careful, the weight of your body can rebound. In addition to regular sports, Feed control also need to eat so that the form of the body diidam-idamkan reached.

The problem is, you ngemil hobby sport that often lead to Get You also do not produce results. So that, so that sports and diet can be in line with the balance. You can siasati habits ngemil with:

- Many food filamentous
Hunger is usually accompanied by the desire to continue to chew. This can be selected with diakali fibrous food, such as fruit (apples, papaya, cashew, citrus, and the like), vegetables (mentimun, vegetable salad, and the like), or food rich in fiber and not processed using the oil (boiled corn, boiled potatoes , and the like). Fiber provides a feeling satisfied longer. Thus, the possibility of fraudulent mengemil be arrested again.

- Reduce processed food
Snack food that has been experiencing a process of processing, such as potato chips, cassava chips, and the like is not forceful remove hunger. Although menyantapnya in large numbers, just keep your appetite has not also take pride.

Better puaskan hunger with food in the form of utuhnya. For example, a piece of corn, cassava, cassava, potato or boiled the whole far better than olahannya in the form of chips. Kalorinya limited (due to be processed with no oil), lots of fiber, and more rapid filling and taste kenyangnya survive much longer.

- Stay consume carbohydrate
Perhaps, that remain slim, we need to reduce the carbohydrate. This is not true. To achieve weight balance, the need to reduced or even avoided Feed is fat. While the carbohydrate remain in the body's existence is necessary. Compared to fat, carbohydrate source of energy that is more easily parsed by the body.

- Eat in small portions
Usahakanlah to not create an empty stomach. This condition makes you a great hunger and want to encourage you to eat more. No problem actually, if you can share your portion of food into smaller portions. This means you can eat several times a day as long as in small portions. Should fill the belly of every three hours, with a little portion.

- Perbanyak drinking water white
For those who want to berdiet, white water is very helpful in the metabolism of food. Water white liquid chemicals help make the body used in the metabolism of food entry. With the 2 glasses of white water before meals, will decrease the appetite is high, so it can help in controlling the food, especially ngemil.

* Ngemil = eat continuously without rules. Something like eating snack

• VIVAnews

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Top Diet, Is Most Effective?

Before choosing the right diet, you should consult with your doctor and your nutrition experts.

Many diet method that offers a variety of dreams for a slim body. But if the diet is healthy and appropriate conditions for your body?

So that you do not choose the wrong diet, see some of the following popular diet. Know the advantages and kekurangannya so you do not step wrong.

Atkins Diet
This diet was introduced by Dr. Robert C. Atkins, Director of the Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine, New York, United States. Diet is often called carbohydrate diet because the main key is to limit carbohydrate Feed. Since first appearing until now, this diet became very popular among celebrities including Hollywood.

Feed carbohydrate is the recommended maximum of 20 grams a day. Atkins Diet also limits Feed berkarbohidrat food processing, such as bread, pasta, cereals, and so forth. Feed protein increased while the red-meat eating.

Atkins diet is not appropriate for those who do aerobic sports, and many do not have excessive body weight. Many also criticism of the diet is regarded as less good for health. For people so too Feed restrict carbohydrates so less balanced nutrition.

If done in the long term, this diet is less good for health. Too much protein can cause kidney disfunction and heart. Other side effects are mouth odor, dizziness, nausea, and constipation.

Ornish Diet
Diet is introduced by Dr. Dean Ornish stressed consumption of vegetables, fibrous foods, and limit the fat. The main objective in this is to heart health.

During the diet program, you are advised mengonsumsi filamentous whole grain foods, vegetables, vegetables nuts and salad. The key, you eat raw materials in accordance with the amount the body needs so quickly was not easy but feel hungry.

This diet is limiting Feed of food is very important that the body needed. For example, seafood, nuts, milk, without fat, and oil. Too many carbohydrates will increase blood sugar and decrease good cholesterol (HDL). Moreover, if the diet does not compensate dietnya with sport.

Zone Diet
This diet was created by Dr. Barry Sears. Diet is a combination Feed high protein and low carbohydrate with a focus on the right mix of food.

Limiting carbohydrate Atkins diet is not seekstrim. Comparison of Feed carbohydrate, fat, and protein is 4:3:3. You also suggested mengonsumsi seafood, vegetables and fruit.

The perpetrators of this diet find it difficult to guide the combination of food and the right balance. Necessary calculations nutrition guide that is easy to apply.
• VIVAnews

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stress because of pot

Diet and sporting what should I Get that slim waist?

I (23) feel my body obesity (weight 60 kg and height 155 cm). The most is the pile of fat in the stomach so that stomach looks bloated. Diet and sporting what should I Get that slim waist? Can herbal medicine help with the slim?

I never berdiet, but can not survive because of ulcer disease. What kind of diet does not cause interference on the ulcer? Please help, I have stressed this problem.

Your body fat is classified. However, you do not need to feel stress and lower self. That needs to be done is to increase efforts to run a weight reduction program.

If your weight is on the ideal body weight (about 50 kg), surely you do not distended stomach again. When body weight decreased by only 5 kg, then your stomach is by itself will wane. There is no need to use the medicine or tonic PELANGSING stomach. Decrease in body weight is the best diet and combining with the sport.

Do aerobic sports in the morning around 30-45 minutes, then continue with the floor exercises selama15 minutes. Do movements such as sit-ups, foot wave, nothing interesting, cyclists, and others.

In principle, if you really run a main rule, the low-calorie diet and you do not stress, the ulcer disease will not relapse. Because, well balanced diet or low calorie diet for ulcer disease is to reduce fat, prosi with small but frequent meals. The distance between the set hours to eat 2 or 3 hours.

Here is an example low-calorie diet 1500 calorie balance.
Calories: 1500 kkal
Protein: 70 grams
Fat: 50 grams
Carbohydrates: 192 grams

Breakfast (pk.7.00)
- 2 pieces of white bread, 1 tsp (2.5 g) fruit jelly
- 2 tbsp (10 g) nonfat milk + 1 tsp (5 g) sugar

Distraction (pk.10.00)
- 1 boiled egg (50 g)
- Tea without sugar or white water

Lunch (pk.13.00)
- 6 tbsp (150 g) rice
- 1 medium piece (50 g) of meat or fish or chicken
- 1 piece (50 g) know or tempe
- 1 cup (100 g) vegetables

Distraction (pk.17.00)
- 1 cup nonfat milk

- 3 pieces of white bread
- 100 g of meat or fish or chicken
- 1 medium piece (200 g) fruit
• VIVAnews

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Key Main Diet: Count calories!

Options are very diverse diet. You can only do low-fat diet, low carbohydrate or high protein. But it is important that all of the calorie diet is appropriate.

According to the latest study, all types of diet can produce the ideal body weight to limit the number of calories origin that enter the body.

Previous often we hear, the key to lose weight is a low-carbohydrate diet. Even more say diet is effective compared with low-fat diet.

But a research conducted in the United States for two years found that the most important is how much calories that enter and exit.

"The secret is not diet low in fat or carbohydrate," says Dr. Elizabeth Nabel, head researcher of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. "But, by limiting the consumption of calories membakarnya with berolahrga ago."

Results were published Thursday, 26 February 2009, the New England Journal of Medicine, by Harvard School of Public Health and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, USA.

Research conducted on 811 adults who have excess body weight. Each respondent has a womb of fat, protein and carbohydrate are different. The respondents are required to reduce 750 calories per day and exercise for 90 minutes each week.

During doing the program, the respondents remain mengonsumsi meat and dairy products. They also must always be met with nutrition experts to monitor the development of the diet. Result, the average of the respondents succeeded in reducing the 6.5 kg in six months time. In two years time they can get the ideal body weight.

But not all the respondents who itu.Responden get results more often of nutrition experts to come to achieve a better result.

According to one researcher, Dr. Frank Sacks, a routine nutrition experts make their diet program is monitored on an ongoing basis and calorie contents in food are limited.

"They should be more focus on the actual calories consumed in food," said Sacks.

But some researchers doubt the other respondents can still maintain body weight if they have not watched it again in the nutrition expert.

"Although the respondents have a high motivation, when they separated from the nutrition experts will be difficult to maintain their body weight," says Martijn Katan from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
• VIVAnews

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hollywood Celebrity Diet Options

Method so that diet choice is always a Hollywood celebrity trends. What type of diet?

Not all Hollywood stars always appear with the perfect body. It's time they also have problems with weight like most other women.

But the role demands and must make them appear perfect must strive harder to maintain body still slim. For that, the various ways traveled. Start hard sport, operating sedot fat, diet to superketat.

Method diet are so many options Hollywood celebrities?

Low-carbohydrate diet
Feed cut carbohydrate diet trend is still a Hollywood celebrity. Stars film Marley and Me, Jennifer Aniston successfully reduce body weight to 15 kilograms with the carbohydrate and protein enhance Feed.

Feed low carbohydrate diet includes 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat is not saturated. The result, a few celebrities such as Renée Zellweger can decrease the weight of 10 kilograms. Binta other diet that has been proven this is Madonna, Cindy Crawford, Winona Ryder, Demi Moore, Kristin Davis and Kirstie Alley.

Mengonsumsi organic food was not only good for only kesehatanan factors. For some celebrities, organic food is a way to get the ideal body weight.

Gwyneth Paltrow strict choose organic food for the day-to-day, such as meat, milk, and eggs.

"I try to eat organic food. I do not want to eat anything that can be toxic in the body, "he said.

Julia Roberts and Christina Aguilera also choose organic poison free. Julia always keep in trailernya susu organic when it is busy syuting. Likewise Christina always save susu and organic cheese in the room instead.

Many celebrities choose a vegetarian lifestyle, such as Alicia Silverstone and stars Charlie's Angel, Drew Barrymore. They no longer mengonsumsi meat or various food products from animals such as eggs, milk, and cheese.

Feed vegetable protein taken from beans such as bean and pea and lentil as almond and hazelnut that they become healthy snack daily.

Charlie's Angel star other, Cameron Diaz, also a vegetarian. "I feel lucky with my body's metabolism is faster. I feel more healthy with a vegetarian, "he said.
• VIVAnews

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Calories burnt in the Beach

Coastal environment is dynamic, there is water, sand, air, and sea waves, which can affect your mind calm. Coastal water that contains salt, and have a warm temperature, the body makes relaks useful. If your body or feet into the water for five minutes, you will feel more relaks. Berendam taste like salt water in the bathtub in the bathroom.

In addition, believe it or not, do the activities on the beach can also reduce body weight. Every minute you through the activities on the beach, the body is burning the calories.

Stroll through the beach sand
Walking on the sand beach barefoot, have been able to burn more calories, because the sand absorbs the vibration rather than running more asphalt. Therefore, walking on the sand, making musculature you work harder. Sand hill climb, to provide training on the larger posterior musculature.

Start with the way slowly in the short distance, for example, 1.5 - 3 km. This activity can burn 250 calories per hour. We recommend route home - away. For, to run only one direction at a sloping beach can cause tendinitis (tendon inflammation) on the ankle or injury. In addition, for the thigh strain, you can walk in water up to waist deep calf.

However, before you should be careful what area you want to skip is not full of dangerous waste, such as nails, porcelain and more. If the beach dirty, you should wear shoes when doing this activity.

- Swimming
Activity is very good for heart health and lungs. To maintain heart health and lungs, do the swim for 20 minutes continuously, without stopping. In addition, the swimming movement is also very good for muscle strength and burn calories. When you swim for 1 hour full, your body weight can be decreased. Because, swim with the body can burn 10 calories per minute.

- Found in the sun
During your on the beach, should not dissipate the sun exposure is good for skin and bone health. Sunlight contains beneficial vitamin D helps calcium absorption, which is useful for the formation of bone. If you sweat, this automatic activity can burn calories.

Therefore, when on holiday at the beach would that be if you take the time for sunbathing or just walking under the sun exposure. Sunlight is good for health is in the morning and afternoon (07.00-09.00 and 15.30-17.30). You should not forget to use sun screen to minimize the risk of skin cancer is exposed.
• VIVAnews

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Arm ideal Ala Jennifer Aniston

For Jennifer Aniston, had a lean body does not not mean that sport. Favorite physical exercise is yoga, and floor exercises.

Simple exercise routine that made former paramour John Mayer is, if done regularly and according to rules, will produce satisfactory results. The tool is also needed is very simple, just a chair, pillows, and a pair of dumbbell.

Biceps curl
Target: arm muscles on the front (biceps), shoulder muscles (deltoids)

- Stand with feet slightly opened, the position of the hands in front of the chest while holding the dumbbell.

- Lift both hands slowly slightly exceed the shoulder until you feel tekanannya Play-wrist until a hand leads to the front, lift the load exceeds the head. Position elbow still slightly ditekuk and both shoulder the burden of separate selebar
- Lower the load slowly, back to the start position and repeat.

Shoulder raise
Target: shoulder muscles

- Stand with legs open, knee slightly ditekuk. Hand straight ahead, holding the dumbbell up to shoulder
- Rentangkan hands to the side
- Back to the start position and repeat.

Rear raise
Target: - muscle on the back of the arm (triceps), shoulder muscle

- Stand with legs open selebar pinggul, genuflection few, rather dibusungkan chest. Both hands on the side of the body straight while holding the dumbbell. Hand holding the burden should be weak to feel pressure that occurred
- Pull the arm towards the back slowly as far as you can. Restore hands to position the start and repeat

Preacher curl
Target: arm muscles on the front (biceps)

- Sit in a chair, feet flat touching the floor. Place the pillow in the lap rest to a right angle, so that you can perform the movement with the back upright position.
- With the elbow in the pillow position, pull both arms slowly to the shoulder
- Return to the front of the shoulders as the beginning position, then repeat.

Push up
Target: arm muscles on the back, shoulder muscles, chest muscles, back muscles

- Start with a push-up position. Leg was opened with a distance of ± 30 cm. Hands open selebar shoulder with the hands even touch the floor.
- Buckling elbow and slowly lowering the chest to the floor, but do not touch the floor pinggul
- Push up, and then to the start position and repeat
• VIVAnews

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prevent Fat After Party

Fuel into the fat in the body when the party in the dining sesampainya at home!

If you are not planning to eat excessively and appeared to fail, do not quickly disappointed. Excess calories sepenting not how you react to it. When you respond to the excess food with the chagrin of the self, you may be pushed even more to eat later. When you are eating a lot of terlanjur, have 'penawar' it, such as:

- Drink 2 glasses of white water, sesampainya at home. Air melarutkan useful white fat, that fat does not accumulate too long in the body.

- Drinking a cup of tea without sugar. Tea ekskresi can throw urine and digestion. Caffeine and polifenol compound found in tea can accelerate the process of digestion, because it stimulates production of stomach fluids, which can be menetralisir fat in food.

- Eat an apple. One of the nutrient contents of apple fiber is beneficial, useful help lower blood cholesterol level. Of an apple, you already get 20% fiber body that is required. In addition to fiber, vitamin C in apples (about 8% abortion) function as antioxidants capable of preventing the oxidation of LDL (bad fat), so that the probability to stick to the blood vessel.

- Do not sleep immediately. After the party's, it's good you're doing light activities before bed. This meant that the calories into the body, not directly into sediment pile of fat in the body. It is a good idea, you read the book first, or even better, if you can tidy up the house, such as washing dishes after the party.

- The next same morning, after exercise you should wake up. For example, jogging 30-45 minutes. This activity, helps to burn calories that go for the night. Result, income calories can quickly terbuang, without a pile of fat in the body. (Source: Vivanews)

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hidden Fat in Food Favorites

Not just chocolate, cakes or biscuits that you must limit the womb Feed lemaknya high. Many day-to-day food that's good for our health that contains high fat. If consumption is too excessive, it can be a trigger obesity.

What are foods that should be restricted asupannya?

Almond, hazelnut or macadamia nut is a type of low fat and rich in vegetable protein. But limit the consumption of nuts this. For, hidden fat could come at the tendril processing. For example, fried or given various spices and salt.

Fruit yellow-green and fresh, this including the fact that both food consumption to those that berdiet. But if too many, of course, can cause obesity. In every 100 grams avocad, are 17 grams of fat.

You can still mengonsumsi fruit juice or avocad but not mixed with milk, cream or sugar. To avoid eneg and feels more fresh, citrus perasan Mix a little lemon.

Splash of water without mayonnaise salad dressing or thousand island may feel less delicious. But eating fruit salad or vegetables to the diet will be useless if you only use the second lot of the sauce. For every 100 grams of mayonnaise, are 79 grams of fat. High is not it?

To avoid this, it is better to replace pelezat salad with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, or yogurt without the fat. So even when making chicken or tuna sandwich, do not add mayonnaise. To penambah taste, you can still use the black pepper powder or other spices.

Krimer pleased to add the coffee or tea? Additional krimer on your favorite drink is the taste delicious and sweet. But from now on, try to reduce consumption krimer. In 100 grams krimer are 50 grams of saturated fat. Instead, use the milk without the fat.

Peanut butter
As well as the not yet processed nuts, peanut butter is also a source of vegetable protein. Every 100 grams of peanut butter contains 50 grams of fat.

Oles do not peanut butter to your bread for breakfast every day. Limit consumption, simply double sepekan. To reduce the effect of body weight, choose peanut butter that does not contain sugar.
Source: VIVAnews

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Healthy Diet for Office Workers

Office workers tend to have eating patterns that are less good. In addition to food choices that are far from healthy menu,office workers also often violate the rules of eating right. For example ngemil in between meals.

Summary of work in the office requires you long-old sitting in front of the computer is also not good for health. Too many sit will make you risk experiencing painful shoulders and back. In addition, you also move less, so the long run, increased body weight.

Activities so that work in the office more effective, the diet should follow the pattern below.

Do not leave the breakfast
Breakfast is very important menyupali energy for the body and brain at work. If you do not have breakfast, you will be more difficult to concentrate and hunger will disrupt the workplace.

If not had breakfast, take the fruit or fruit juice. Select a fruit sugar that can supply blood to the brain, so preventing hunger comes more quickly. For example, orange, apple, and strawberry.

Reduce eating habits outside the

During lunch, your friend with sekantor find jajanan in food stalls. Selection of food stalls on the roadside and diverse you can also create a healthy nutrition Feed forget.

When you select a menu to meet all nutritional needs, there is no problem. Try to select a balanced menu, have carbohydrate, protein, minerals, vitamins, and so forth.

But most jajanan in the street-level health and hygiene doubt. For example, eating fried chicken, the oil is used not necessarily healthy. Oil is usually used fry many times, so that it can be dangerous to health.

Forget not healthy snack
In the time between meals, your stomach still working so that sometimes arise hunger. You certainly tempted to ngemil.

Gorengan or potato chips is a fun friend in the interlude between meals. But food is like no gizinya and high cholesterol.

Prepare the fruit for snack
Try to eat fruit at least five times a day. When the desire ngemil come, eat fruit. Healthy nutrition in the womb the fruit is no longer necessary. High fiber and vitamins can help increase the body's immunity and accelerate digestion.

Select the yellow fruit such as orange, mango, apricot to meet the needs karoten beta. Fruits such as strawberry high berantioksidan, blueberry or grapefruit can also be options.

You can also mengonsumsinya in the form of fruit salad, rujak, or fruit juice, or smoothies. In addition to fruit, you can also prepare the vegetables for snack, such as broccoli, spinach, or carrot.

Do not ignore feeling thirsty
Kantoran employees spend a lot of time in space berpendingin (AC). This makes the body more quickly to dehydration. Sometimes you drink because the delay busy working. But it is dangerous to the function of kidneys.

Suggestion that the white water to drink at least eight glasses good day. But for you, you should add the portion of water. When you go back and forth to lazy to take a drink in Dispenser, provide your teapot on the table.

Many fish menu
Working 8-10 hours a day you make a lot of brain drain. So you need a high protein mengasup.

Disclose health research, people who ate fish at least three times a week have a risk of disease is lower. Gynecology omega 3 fatty acid which is very high in fish helps to protect body cells from damage. In addition, high-protein fish also helps cells repair the brain and nervous system. Thus, the brain work and your concentration better. (Source: Vivanews)

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Confidential Cut Tari Stay slim

Not all women after giving birth can quickly get a proportional body. However, the experience of the presenter is really beautiful Cut Tari different. He succeeded in keeping the body still slim.

Usut have usut, wife of Joseph subrata this claim to have a secret to get post-birth body beautiful. He said, with just keep eating patterns.

"I do not mengonsumsi sugar and dinner. I maximize the lunch with rice, while the morning and night just to drink low fat milk. But if the already hungry, I belly up to the bread," said Tari conference after the event "Panasonic Awards 2009" , in the Hotel Mulia, Jakarta, Jumat (20/3/2009).

Ala Dancing healthy diet is indeed a new Get him two this month. Especially after he did not feed the heart, Sydney.

"The result is disappointing and does not make me appear more confident," the birth of women pungkas Jakarta, 1 November 1977 this. (Source: Okezone)

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